原关税和贸易总协定(GATT)第六条是世界上第一个具有实际效力反倾销条款,将倾销的定义为:“将一国产品以低于正常价值的方法进入另一国的市场,如因此对某一缔约国领土内业以建立的某项工业造成实质性的损害或产生实质性损害威胁,或者对某一国产业的兴建产生实质性的阻碍,这种倾销应该受到谴责。”由于这一条款规定过于原则和笼统,所以在“东京回合”多边贸易谈判中个成员方制定了《关于执行关税和贸易总协定第六条的协议》,并在“乌拉圭回合”形成了《关于执行1994年关税和贸易总协定第六条的协议》即《1994年协议》,这一系列协议使得国际间反倾销法律约束机制变得更加完善。 2001年12月10日在中国正式加入世界贸易组织的前夕,国务院颁布了《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》(以下简称《反倾销条例》),该条例第三条规定:“倾销,是指在正常贸易过程中进口产品以低于其正常价格进入中华人民共和国市场。”同时宣告废止原来的《反倾销反补贴条例》中关于反倾销规定:并且在2002年的《最高人民法院关于审理反倾销行政案件应用法律若干问题的规定》,这一系列举措足以显示我国政府严格履行国际义务,适应经济全球化的决心和立场。
Dumping is one kind of unfair competitive conducts in international trade, which has been seriously considered by western countries. Since the Canadian promulgation of Anti-dumping Law, many countries and states consequently followed and promulgated the Anti-dumping Law so as to withstand the competitive advantages of exterior dumping commodities based dumping price. Anti-dumping means that the importing goods based dumping pricing entering a country cause some substantial damages to its country corresponding industries, and this country is authorized to levy anti-dumping taxes and take some others similar measures to relieve the negative effects caused by the dumping goods. This significant trading relief method conducted by importing country has been commonly recognized by the most countries.
The Article VI on General Agreement of Trade and Tariff (GATT) is the first legally effectible anti-dumping clause, whose definition of Dumping is that a product introduced into the commerce of another country is sold lower than normal value, causing material damages and material damage threat for the importing country" s established industry or causing material retardation for establishing industry, therefore this dumping is condemnable. Because the stipulation of this definition is too general and abstract, so in the "Kennedy Round " the contractingmembers constituted the <> , and in the "Uruguay Round" contracted the <<1994 Agreement>> .
The series of agreement has made the international anti-dumping mechanism sound.In the Eve of China officially becoming a membership of WTO, the PRC State Council issued the <> , in which the definition of dumping is that the importing goods are sold less than normal value to the market of PRC and abolished the relative outdated legal stipulations. Meanwhile the Supreme Court of PRC instituted relative provision concerning the juridical review for the anti-dumping cases.This paper mainly set up to comparing the WTO anti-dumping and developed countries" anti-dumping law in the prospective of substantial law, and fully analyze the three prerequisites of dumping cognizance: the first is that importing goods are sold at the price less than normal or fair value, the second is that the selling cause some damages for importing country relative industry, the third is that there is causation.
With maximum considerations for the three preconditions of dumping, this paper attempts to narrate the essence of anti-dumping legislation and disclose its restrictions. This paper also makes some probing for some issues with regard to the dumping recognition such as non-market economy state trading, anti-evasion, domestic industry and judicial review for anti-dumping cases, rendering some references for our country"s anti-dumping legislation and jurisprudence