The problem
'My new job is a great disappoint-
ment. My department is badly run, top management don't seem to care,5and my new colleagues are not very
friendly.Now I hear that my old boss wants me back.I want to see if he is
seriously,but that might seem like I amdesperate to return to my old job.
Besides,I don't want to be too hasty.
I have worked in my new job for six months. After all,it takes time to be accepted into a successful teamnon'Senior manager;malemid-50s思维导图模板大纲
The solution
Going back to an old employer is never a bad idea. You know exactly what it is like to work for your old boss.You know that working there is20comfortable,and sometimes comfort is a good thing.
You say your old boss is anxious to rehire you, but don't approach him yet.Wait and let him come to you. Try to negotiate a return witha lot more money and a promotion
But remember you've only been away for six months. I'm notsure
that this is long enough to make a decision about the new place.
Some organisations don't like nen
outsiders; it takes a while before they accept them, and until then,they are pretty unfriendly.
Spend time working hard at your new job and be friendly. Then,if youdecide to go back to your old job. you know that you tried.
第一段:说可以回去原来的公司;第二段:等老板来找你 并且谈条件higher salary higher position;第三段:提醒他才来了六个月 可能还没有完全被接纳 可以稍微考虑一下是否留下来;第四段对前一段进行了解释,有的organization可能还没接纳new comers 提醒作者;第五段:建议作者呆在新公司认真工作久一点 再观望一下 对比一下是去是留
我觉得该人已经五十多岁了 先留下来观望一下 同时与以前的老板迂回 如果新公司适合他 就可以留下 如果以前的老板真的想让他回去 他得考虑自己的经济状况 多索要薪水并且职位升高 权衡一下利弊再做选择