2. 问君几时归,真情若江水,青山隐隐问玉湖,爱的是哪一位。
3. Don’t bring baggage from an ex-relationship into your next relationship…unless you want it to be a short trip.
8. It’s awe-inspiring! 这真令人叹为观止!
11. 月光下,奔腾了一天的小河平息了,静静地流着。
12. Life is a long journey, do not waste time, for those willing to walk hand in hand with you.
14. Life is a journey. What we should care about is not where it's headed but what we see and how we feel.
15. 闲时,一杯茶,赏赏花,看看景,令人心旷神怡。
16. Life is a long journey. Don't waste your time waiting for people who are no longer willing to walk with you.
18. It’s jaw-dropping. 这里美得令人惊叹。
19. 等待着每一辆经过的车,让我走到更远的地方。
21. 风起的日子,笑看落花;雪舞的时节,举杯邀月。
26. 夏日里的杭州西湖,不是只有热度,更有清凉的风景。
32. The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
35. Life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the should be and the mood at the view.
39. It’s a picture-postcard scene! 这里风景如画!
40. 停下来的世界只是风景,一直向前的风景才叫世界。
41. 湖气冷如冰,月光淡于雪。肯弃与三潭,杭人不看月。
42. 藕花深处,杨柳岸边,烟雨楼台依旧是沧海茫茫。
43. It’s out of this world. 这里真是人间仙境。
44. 大风车吱呀吱溜溜的转,这里的风景呀真好看!
45. 远离城市的一切喧嚣,来到心旷神怡的海边,与蓝天白云相伴。
49. 余生,愿住在一片荷塘里,景美人美,你一定醉了。
50. 午后,阳光暖暖登山去,感受爬山的乐趣,心情舒畅多了!
57. 你赤手空拳来到人世间,为找到那片海不顾一切。
58. 人生如旅,走走停停,本该有不同的遇见,看不一样的风景。
59. 世外桃源,蓝天白云,繁花似锦,伴着你过春天!