1. 一切必然性在任何时候都以一种先验的条件为基础。
3. 愿你所有快乐,无需假装。愿你此生尽兴,赤诚善良。
4. 人的终身,都有一些说不出的隐秘,挽不回的惋惜,触不到的愿望,忘不了的爱。
5. 明明想念的不得了,却还要装出一副很淡然的样子自己想想都觉得心酸。
6. 小时候哭是觉得自己太委屈,长大了哭是对自己太失望。
7. 如果白子画从一开始就和花千骨说明她是他的生死劫那么依小骨的性子肯定不会纠缠于他更不会最后变这样。
8. 總有那么一個人無論多少次說放棄,但還是舍不得
9. 像一年四季都被你变成夏天,我才会在你面前总是被晒红了脸。
10. The most beautiful and painful thing is love! The most noble and the lowest are marriage and family.
11. 每一个你不满意的现在,都有一个你没有努力的曾经。
12. 我想马上去见你,因为短信听不到声音,电话看不到表情。
13. 何为幸福,梦里面也有你出现,醒来你也在我眼前。
15. 善者无敌。邪恶的存在,为的是让正义之剑,磨得更加锋利,更加光芒四射。邪恶的短暂,意味着正义的永恒;邪恶的暂时强大,更显示了正义力量的无坚不摧。
17. 不要慨叹生活底痛苦!---慨叹是弱者......——高尔基
18. 生活从来都不会停止向前,保持专注,别因为后悔而放慢脚步。
19. Like all the year round, you turn me into summer, and I will always be sunburnt in front of you.
20. 别不好意思拒绝别人,反正那些好意思为难你的人,也不是什么好人。
23. The so-called let go of time is just my illusion.
24. When I was a child, I felt that I was too aggrieved, but when I grew up, I was too disappointed.
26. All our waiting is just to meet the right person.
27. I miss it very much, but I still have to pretend to be indifferent. I feel sad when I think about it.
29. 有人试图和你无理取闹,安静的看着他,说:祝你好心情。然后离开。
32. Think of you but pretend to see through the day, even silence is hard.
33. We have always wanted to learn to be calm. In fact, we don't need to learn about it. If we experience more, we will be calm.
35. 我打算把喜欢自己,当成最紧要的事情放在心上。
38. 暮雨微至,长灯已燃。回首生平事,戏词道尽缘。落花系流水,消得桃妆醉。
39. Don't be embarrassed to refuse others. Anyway, those who are trying to embarrass you are not good people.
40. 你信缘分吗?茫茫人海中,你是那么特别,让我的眼神跟着你,也许是心灵真的相通,你真的向我走来。走开,要饭的!
41. 我们一直想学会平静,其实吧,这事儿不用学,经历的多了,就平静了。
42. If you don't let go of the old things, you will miss them even if the new ones come.
43. Remember, never love others more than you and your family.
44. Life never stops moving forward. Stay focused. Don't slow down because of regret.
45. 不记得你是怎么在黑暗中放开我的手的,我只记得我回头时你转身牵着她。
46. Growth is: gradually gentle, restraint, simple, do not complain, do not ask, do not remember, quiet gradually realize the grand life.
47. 爱情不伤人,伤人的是永远实现不了的海誓山盟。
51. 不要刻意去曲解别人的善意,你应当往好的地方想。
52. 和你在一起的日子,就如同在一个清爽的早晨散步!
53. The tenderness in the infinite long time, the long time in the infinite gentleness, has been in.
54. I want to see you right away, because the text message can't hear the voice, the phone can't see the expression.
55. 成长就是:渐渐温柔,克制,朴素,不怨不问不记,安静中渐渐体会生命盛大。
56. I plan to like myself, as the most important thing in mind.
57. I wish you all happiness without pretending. Wish you a happy life, sincere and kind.
58. 衣服会褪色,墙壁会斑驳,书本会发黄,你会变得冷而且陌生。
59. Someone tries to make trouble with you, looks at him quietly and says: I wish you a good mood. And then leave.
60. There are dilemmas in the world, it is more difficult to ask for help; there are two risks in the world, social insurance, and people's hearts are more dangerous.
61. 无限漫长的时光里的温柔,无限温柔里的漫长时光,一直都在。
62. Love doesn't hurt people, what hurt people is a vow never to be realized.
63. 世上有两难,登天难,求人更难;世上有两险,社会险,人心更险。
64. 在科学上,每一条道路都应该走一走,发现一条走不通的道路,就是对科学的一大贡献。……那种证明"此路不通"的吃力不讨好的工作,就让我来做吧!——爱因斯坦
66. 不要冷言冷语就像辛格总理频频指出的那样子,孟买很快就会逾越上海。
67. 漫长的是黑夜,短暂的是人生。从此痛苦的是失眠,重来的是失败。
69. 最美好的,也是最痛苦的就是爱情!最大高贵的也是最低贱的就是婚姻和家庭。
70. 旧的东西再不放开,即使新的来了,你也会因为腾不开手而错过。
71. 假如我是一阵风,春天我会用那柔和的旋律奏起新的乐章。
72. 太多事情来不及接受,就发生了我们能够做到的只有接受。哪怕接受不了,但是一个人挺得过不是么。