1. 生命是有限的,钱是挣不完的,将有限的生命拿来挣那永远挣不完的钱,最后得到的遗憾是无穷无尽的。
2. 只为自己活着的人是渺小的。——法国文艺复兴后期思想家 蒙田
5. 很多时候我们不需要理性,理性让我们犹豫,让我们错失所爱。
6. 在人人都自私的地方,智者不仅不比愚者好,反而比愚者还危险。
9. Enjoying a good relationship among my classmates.
10. 世上最空虚的,就是那些满脑子装着自己的人。
12. Egoistic heart is the obstacle of live and let live.
13. Anyone who chooses to be a friend or a false friend who believes in selfish and cowardly people may be misunderstood.
14. 他就是个冷漠无情,没有亲情,很自私,完全不会考虑别人只考虑自己的人。
15. It is not the same as it is, but it is the same as the one that has been obtained.
16. The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.
18. With a strong sense of cooperation.
19. 我是爱你的,看见就爱上了。我爱你爱到不自私的地步。
20. Good people management and communication skills. Team player.
21. Pull 10 Fen and benefit the world, not for.
22. 爱情是真挚与真挚的拥抱,是真诚与真诚的交往,容不下半点虚伪和自私。
23. Lucas has a lot on the ball、
24. Selfishness is the source of all things.
25. 犹如细流在大海里消逝,美德在自私自利中丧失。
26. 敦厚温和的**是产生于自爱,而偏执妒忌的**是产生于自私。
27. 母爱是多么强烈,自私,狂热地占据我们整个心灵的感情。
28. 起支配作用的自私欲常常被误解为一个人投身人类事业的神圣热忱。
30. 物以类聚,人以群分,没有一个不曾拥有过朋友和亲人,但是却有人不曾拥有过真情。
31. He always likes to play a lone hand、
32. 一只眼睛里闪烁着爱的光芒,而另一只眼睛却燃烧着自私的**。
34. Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision.
35. Calm brave, discerning, not selfish.
36. That boy never says uncle、
37. I do not take account of Ning, i.
38. 为什么古老的秘技总是会失传?是人类太自私?不肯传?或是人类太进步?进步到不屑去学这些古老的秘技?
39. He is a cold and heartless, no family, very selfish, will not consider other people only consider their own people.
40. 斤斤计较、自私自利的男人,一个铜板看得比磨盘大的男人,会让男人世界黯然失色。
41. Selfishness is always there.
42. Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.
43. 只为家庭活着,这是**的私心;只为一个人活着,这是卑鄙;只为自己活着,这是耻辱。
44. Science is not an egoistic enjoyment of. Those who are fortunate enough to be able to devote themselves to scientific research should first of all use their knowledge to serve the human race.
45. He's really a party animal、
46. 自私是平静的,它是自然力量,你可以说,树也是自私的。
48. He's really a law-down dirty shame、
49. The man who lives only for himself is **all.
50. Under a cent of love hidden nine selfish.
52. I expected better from you.
53. she's a natural crier
54. Bright,aggressive applicants.
55. Ambitious attitude essential.
56. Not in a no gain since the shield, not to have a selfish self tired.
57. 选择朋友一定要谨慎!地道的自私自利,会戴上友谊的假面具,却又设好陷阱来坑你。
59. You have to sow before you can reap. You have to give before you can get.xxx
61. 燕子的捕食速度十分惊人,张开翅膀在空中一个旋儿,就捉到了一只虫子。
63. 敦厚温和的性情是产生于自爱,而偏执妒忌的性情是产生于自私。
65. 一个自私自利的人永远成不了大事,相反,与人为善,心胸广阔,互助互爱,再大的困难也只是迈向成功的绊脚石。
67. He's good-time charlie, feeling no worries and anxieties、
68. 谁要是选择吝啬鬼做朋友或信赖自私和怯懦者的虚假友谊,谁就有被误解的可能。
69. 一只眼睛里闪烁着爱的光芒,而另一只眼睛却燃烧着自私的欲火。
70. 有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头作用。
72. If a person only thinks of himself, that is the most shameful, if a person only for their own lives, it is better to die.
73. Trained by indulgent attitude of the people, is to the people through the so-called egoistic.
74. I waited for two hours and no one came to meet me.
75. With possessing a great team spirit.
76. 主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、学习能力优、事业心强和身体棒。
77. Strong determination to succeed.
78. She was disappointed in herself.
79. When a person is absorbed in his own time, he can only become a beautiful, **all package.
80. 人道主义伦理学的最高价值不是舍己,不是自私,而是自爱;不是否定个体,而是肯定真正的人自身。
81. Why ancient cheats will always be lost? Is human being too selfish? Not willing to pass? Or is human progress? Progress to disdain to learn these ancient secrets?
83. One of his eyes shone with the light of love, while the other eye is burning selfish.
84. Willing to learn and progress.
85. You're still wet behind the ears、
87. This vacation did not go as well as expected.
88. 在一分仁爱之下隐藏着九分自私。——英国教育家 赫·斯宾塞
90. 自私是平静的,它是自然力量,你可以说,树也是自私的。——罗·路·史蒂文森
92. 假如人只能自己单独生活,只去考虑自己,他的痛苦将是难以忍受的。
96. 一个自利的人永远成不了大事,相反,与人,心胸广互助互爱,再大的困难也只是迈向的绊脚石。
97. She found that she could only love a person in a moment. And gradually become selfish.
98. Highly-motivated and reliable person.
99. Human selfishness is the root of all evil.
100. A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.
101. 科学决不是一种自私自利的享乐。有幸能够致力于科学研究的人,首先应该拿自己的学识为人类服务。
102. A good team player and I'm great honest to others.
103. Selfishness is calm, it is nature, you can say that the tree is selfish.
105. It is possible to give without loving, but it is impossible to love without giving.xxx
106. Motherly love is how strong, selfish, fanatical to occupy the hearts of our feelings.
107. Ability to work well with others.
108. The bitter and the sweet come from the outside, the hard from within, from one's own efforts.xxx
109. Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.
111. 用溺爱态度培养出来的人,是自私自利到所谓透顶了的人。
112. Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.
113. This meal is rather disappointing.
114. 一个人最大的缺点不是自私、多情、野蛮、任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人。
115. 沉着勇猛,有辨别,不自私。——中国现代作家、政治评论家 鲁迅
116. Selfish indifference and continuous entranced will produce excessive enthusia**, when the effect is certainly in the heart of any woman.
120. The selfish desire to dominate is often misunderstood as a divine dedication to the cause of humanity.
122. Tom is the black sheep of his family、
123. Willing to assume responsibilities.
126. I love you, I fell in love with you. I love you to the point of love.
127. 自私的冷漠和持续不断神魂颠倒的过度热情,肯定在任何女人心上都会产生物极必反的效果。
128. The most empty in the world is the man who is full of himself.
130. 自己脑子里只是满装着自己,这种人正是那种最空虚的人。
131. A trickle in the sea disappeared, lost in virtue of egoistic.
132. Selfish spirit is all it deserves the pain.
133. Cut off from their own flesh, and then also feel very **all.
134. 她发现自己只能爱一个人在一瞬间。而且渐渐变的自私。
136. The combination of selfishness and greed, many people will hatch viper's damage.
137. The world wont end or anything like that, but I still feel pretty sad.
138. Everyone is selfish in place, not only wise than a fool, but also dangerous than a fool.
139. Honest and gentle temper is produced in the self love, jealousy and paranoia is produced in the selfish nature.