Arbitration-agreement; Legal-effectiveness ;Study
可以说:“无仲裁协议则无仲裁”。同时也了解到,各国法律及国际公约,对仲裁协议的形式和内容要求普遍是严格的,一般必须具有书面形式,内容不得违反仲裁地和仲裁执行地的法律。但也不难看出,为更好的维护国际商业秩序,各国和国际组织都在鼓励商人们运用仲裁这一解决商事争议的有效形式,在确保仲裁裁决能够得以承认和执行的前提下,采取各种补救措施,最大限度的维护仲裁协议的效力。从而使当事人双方选择仲裁手段解决争议的愿望得以实现,更有效的保护当事人的合法权益。为此,各国法律和国际法普遍运用的手段是修订法律、法规对仲裁协议的书面性作扩充解释,一些发达国家还对仲裁协议的内容进行了简化。 然而,我们还必须看到各国在仲裁理论研究和相关立法上存在许多差异,如我国的《仲裁法》对当事人提出仲裁协议的异议时间等方面就同国际惯例不相一致,《纽约公约》中的有关规定也需修订。随着各国仲裁理论研究的不断深入、相关立法的不断完善及经济贸易、信息传输手段的不断更新,国际商事仲裁事业将会得到更大的发展。
With the development of the globalization of the world, economy, international business affairs arbitration has become the most common and important means of solving disputes over modern international economy and trade. During the process of arbitration, international business affairs arbitration agreement ( hereinafter arbitration agreement ) is of most importance, which is the precondition and milestone of arbitration. With the development of international economy and trade, international arbitration is developing, thus studying the law power of arbitration agreement is not only
theoretical but also realistic.This article systematically analyzes and summarizes the concept, form of expression, the main composition of effective arbitration agreement, the ineffectiveness of arbitration, ambiquity of content, non-execution, effectiveness affirmation, reutiliazation, and the effectiveness of the newly-born online arbitration agreement etc. And through citing laws of each country, international pacts and practice of justice, this article lists different views of current theory world and demonstrates comprehensively the effectiveness of arbitration agreement. Through analysis and