1. As he grew older his temper became uncertain .
2. Many children stammer but grow out of it.很多小孩口吃,但长大就改过来了。
3. To grow and flourish.发展生长和繁茂
4. There are many people who want to earn the money form only cutting down trees. So more and more trees are cut by them. But kind people want to protect the environment and make the air clean. So they plant trees as many as they can. 有许多想要通过砍伐树木来挣钱的人。
5. When life doesn't conform to our fantasy we grow upset, frustrated, or depressed.当生命和我们的幻想不一致时,我们就变得烦恼,无奈或沮丧。
6. Ordinarily, when unemployment shoots up wages do not tend to fall: they simply grow more slowly.通常,失业率升高的时候薪水是不会下调的:薪水只是增长的更缓慢了。
7. Sugar maple trees grow in Ontario.糖槭树(枫树)也生长在安大略。
8. The method enables tea trees to grow more exuberantly so as to obtain more high-quality tea.此方法能使茶树生长更旺盛,以获得更多的优质茶叶。
9. Ideally, I would expect the word dictionary to grow asymptotically as more files are indexed.理想状态下,当更多文件被索引时,不会引起词语词典恶性增长。
10. Did I grow up according to plan?我是否按照您的计划长大了?
11. Nerve fibers can't grow along injured spinal cords because scar tissue gets in the way.神经纤维没法沿着损伤的脊髓生长,因为伤处有疤痕组织阻挡。
12. We tried to grow some copper sulphate crystals with our children.我们想跟孩子们一起制作硫酸铜晶体。
13. The purpose is to tell readers how to grow fruit plants.目的是为了告诉读者如何种植果树。
14. If you lose a hand, it will cause the stump of your arm to grow by 15cm.如果你失去了一只手,那会促使你手臂剩下的部分长15厘米。
15. Sponges can grow to a very considerable size海绵可以长得非常大。
16. All these actions show that people should pay more attention to the environment. We want to make it better, don't we? So we must plant more trees to protect the environment. 所有这些行动展示人们将去更多的注意环境。
17. Do you grow cabbage yourself?你们自已种卷心菜吗?
18. if we plant trees more, we must also take care of the trees by watering them until they grow up to be strong. 如果我们种了许多的树木,我们必须照顾好它们,并按时浇水,直到它们茁壮成长。
19. When a person grows old , his skin shrivels ..
20. They will improve as they grow older .
21. And so when we grow up, we can say to others how we are fighting, how to combat with difficulties!等我们长大了的时候,我们可以向别人讲我们是如何去奋斗的,如何同困难做斗争的!
22. They grow more slowly than feedlot animals and, as a result, emit more methane over their lifetime.结果它们比集中饲养中的动物生长的更慢,在它们的一生中排放了更多的粪便。
23. No plants grow tall in deserts because there is not much water.因为缺水,沙漠里的植物长不高。
24. Seed your tears deep in your heart, it will grow up to valorous flowers.把眼泪种在心里会开出勇敢花朵。
25. Are you a distributor or do you grow tea你是批发商还是自己种茶?
26. Axillary bud will grow quickly after decapitation during tobacco leaf production.在烟叶生产中,烟株打顶之后腋芽会迅速发生。
27. Then the hair began to grow again and I felt terrific.接着头发又长起来了,我感觉棒极了。
28. A piece of land set aside to grow wild划出的一块不耕种的地
29. The garden slopes down so steeply that it is difficult to grow anything.这个花园向下形成这么陡的斜坡,很难栽种什么东西。
30. To have(a new tooth) grow through the gums.出牙从牙龈中长出(新牙齿)
31. You may grow complacent over time or you may never start off on the right foot.你可能会越来越自满或你可能永远做不对下一件事情。
32. Most forecasters think Britain’s economy will continue to grow respectably.大多数的预测家都认为,英国的经济将会继续大幅度增长。
33. But I am keen on the flowers, vegetables and fruit which grow in rich abundance in Peiping.对于物质上,我却喜欢北平的花多菜多果子多。
34. The spores and gametes could grow to new thalli independently, and the same to motile zygotes.漂浮浒苔的游孢子、配子或配子结合形成的合子均能发育成一株新的藻体。
35. All human beings lose their hearing to some extent as they grow older.人上了年纪都会不同程度地丧失听力。
36. To love and be loved. To be happy and secure. To grow to discover.是爱与被爱,是幸福与安定,是不断的成长与发现。