Experiment elementary school six (4) class graduation party suddenly and mysteriously disappeared, if you have found, please immediately return to six class (4) the hearts of the students.
Oh no! Quiz is over, it seems everyone is each rush thing!
However, if you found, be sure to return! Thank you very much!
On July 6, 2008, is a let us happy and sad day. Happy because we will have a no homework summer vacation, sad because after examination, we "extinction teacher" Mr Zhu suddenly announced that: "don't have the graduation party." At that moment, I only feel sorry. Six years old, don't be a complete party? Looking at class excitedly open opposite party, I can't help Buddhism. Each semester in their class there are collective activity, we, are eagerly looking here, looking at.
Nor is a small party? I think it should be time to steal!
At the bus stop, we several girls stood there "comfort" to each other. Car to the a trip to a trip again, everyone has no intention to go back. Until the sun sets, it is a small party is over.
On the car, watching friends have to say goodbye to me, my eyes are hot, but I have lived or restraint. An open car, my a little tear. Maybe later can only see their words on the QQ, but faces?
I put up the notice in the heart, commemorating accompany me through six years of the classmates of my friendship.