You may already know that chocolate can be lethalto yourpet, but did you know that onions can betoxic to your catsand dogs too?
And I'm not just talking about their breath.
You see all forms of onions-cooked, raw, dehydrated-containsulfurcompounds.
When your pet ingests onions, thesecompounds are broken down into what are known asdisulphidecompounds;
These bubbles make the red blood cell more rigid, and weaken its outermembrane, whichmeans not only that the cell can't flex and twist as it circulates in the body,but that it is morelikely to rupture.
Now, the main function of red blood cells is to circulate oxygen throughout the body.
Withoutenough of these, the animal becomes anemic, and–if the bone marrow isn't givenenough timeto regenerate new red blood cells-it may even die.
This also explains why the effects of oniontoxicity can take a few days to show up, and why evenvery small amounts of onions can stillhave a cumulative damaging effect.
So what can you do to protect your dog or cat?