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Product Overview for the US Market思维导图模板大纲
Incinerating Toilets
Composting Toilets
Fixed Composting Toilets
These come with three discharge methods:
Rear extraction of the compost chamber, as shown in the video.
Top lid removal to access the chamber.
Automatic discharge mechanism for easy waste handling.
Portable Composting Toilets
Our standout product in this category. Compared to similar international products, our portable model features:
Compact Size, equipped with a handle and rolling wheels for easy transportation
Enhanced Urine Storage: Holds 2-3 times more urine than competing products.
Mixing Efficiency: Superior mixing performance compared to all available international models.
Integrated Features:
Built-in post-use flush mechanism.
Intelligent control system for electrical devices.
Integrated fresh water tank for post-use flushing.
Automatic Discharge Composting Toilets
Automatically collect urine from both males and females
Feature a self-opening lid when occupied, preventing accidental discharge due to operational errors.
Allow users to choose whether to keep the lid open or closed during female use.
These toilets intelligently separate urine and post-use flush water into different treatment areas.
Urine is processed within the toilet.
Flush water is directed to a gray water tank for removal.
Future Developments
We are exploring the US market's needs for home and commercial food waste processing equipment. If demand is significant, we will expand our product range to include these solutions. These additional products will leverage similar processing principles and mechanisms, with added dehydration and oil-water separation features to meet diverse user requirements.
For more details on our products or to explore how they can benefit your specific needs, please contact us.