维多利亚时期的英格兰处在鼎盛时期。通过殖民者从亚非各洲带来丰富的蔬果、香料和食材,各个贵族及新兴中产阶级家庭都迫不及待的通过餐桌来展示自己的财富。有一些主妇开始写书,这些礼仪入门书籍的流传让我们得以窥见当时的餐桌:"the lady begins to help the soup … commencing with the gentleman on her right and on her left, and continuing in the same order till all are served. It is generally established as a rule, not to ask for soup or fish twice, as in so doing, part of the company may be kept waiting for the second course."尽管现在看引为笑谈,当时民间对贵族餐桌礼仪的重视却可见一斑。