都说学好的英语的最高境界,就是把歪果仁的思维逻辑操纵于股掌之间,这样才能妥妥甩掉Chinglish,化身英语学神一尊~ 然而,在漫长的人类进化过程中,歪果仁和咱的脑回路向着左西右东的方向愉快地跑远了吗?今天,我只想说,当然不是!下面这些短小精悍,寓意深远的英文表达恰好,说明老外和咱想到一块儿去啦。
中英文非常相似的30个神级翻译1、Fight tooth and nail
2、A land of milk and honey
10、Teach fish how to swim
12、A new broom sweeps clean
13、Put the cart before the horse
14、Take the weight off your feet
15、Every cook praises his own broth.
16、A man cannot whistle and drink at the same time.
17、Fine feathers make fine birds.
21、Close your eyes to something
22、Shut/slam the door in somebody's face
23、Be able to/can do something in your sleep
29、Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
30、Two heads are better than one.