He's the cleanest , briskest , most alive thing that's walked in here in many a day.
他是这许多天来每天到这里来的人之中最清洁、最神气 、 最活泼的家伙.
Nothing could be more racy, straightforward, and alive than the prose of Shakespeare.
没有比莎士比亚的散文更有趣 、 更明快 、 更生动活泼的了.
No man alive is greater than he.
Turtles found alive, said Schroeder , are washed inside and out before being released back to sea.
施罗德表示,救援队找到活着的海龟后, 会将它里外的油污洗净再放归大海.
Living is dead, who are still alive.