No, but I do have an addiction: I stay up until five o'clock playing computer games.
没有, 但我的确有个嗜好: 我会熬夜玩电脑游戏直到5点.
Fertiliser nitrogen must be a sensibly used tool and not an addiction in intensive grassland management.
New brain research suggests getting over romantic rejection might be akin to kicking an addiction.
These can usually be categorized into either " addiction " or'set completion " case.
这种例外通常可以分为 “ 癖好 ” 和 “ 集成 ” 两种.
Let us students how to prevent Internet addiction, the real minors Internet cafes to do?
如何防止让我们中学生上网上瘾, 真正做到未成年人不入网吧?