The synthetic array sonar includes synthetic aperture sonar ( SAS ) and inverse synthetic aperture sonar ( ISAS ).
合成阵列声纳包括合成孔径声纳 ( SAS ) 与逆合成孔径声纳 ( ISAS ).
For flash photography, set the aperture at f.5.6.
Migration though resolution cell ( MTRC ) of scatters often occurs in inverse synthetic aperture radar ( ISAR ) imaging.
逆合成孔径雷达 ( ISAR ) 转台成像中散射点越距离单元徙动 ( MTRC ) 时有发生.
Figure 1 illustrates the principle, but for a triangular aperture.
Explore the different settings of aperture, shutter speed, and white balance , if you can.
尽你所能地去发掘光圈 、 快门 、 白平衡等不同的设定.