Method for Estimating the Accidental Economic Loss
Song Dacheng (National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health )
AbstractThe concepts of occupational safety and health fund and accidental cost,both direct and mdirect are described.The economic loss resulted from occupational injury of an enterprise is discussed,in which the component parts and factors for determining each component and its category are emphatically expounded.At the same time,the calculation of each component is put forward.Key words:Accidental costDirect costIndirect costInsurance feeNon-insurance fee
2事故费用中的直接费用与间接费用直接费用的概念对不同的人是不同的,有的人把保险费用称为直接费用,因为这种费用是账面上都有的、明确的,此外的费用称为间接费用。有的人按与事故的关系区分直接和间接费用,如GB6721-86方法。英国卫生安全执行局(HSE)事故预防顾问部(APAU)在其《工作事故的费用》(The Costs of Accidents at work,1992)中列出了说明保险/非保险与直接/间接费用之间的关系:
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