2. I'mgladtomeetyoubutI'msorrytoseeyou.
4. Woman such as clothes,but elder sister is you wear out of temperament.
6. We'reallright.It'stheyoungandtheyoung.
8. 永远不要,不要,不要,不要,不要放弃。(英国首相丘吉尔)
9. Thats more like it。这才像话。像个长者一样地说
13. Lateryoumaturebutalsodonotlovetolaugh.
16. I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. ( America)
17. I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.
18. Do you want to pick a fight 你要挑起争端吗
19. 美国护照写的一句霸气的话就是,美国武装力量势力的安全保障。这句话虽然听起来威武霸气,但同时也有一种威胁的意味在里面。美国是世界上唯一的超级大国,美国的武装力量也是世界独一无二的,但是美国常常把自己的意志强加给别的国家,所以世界上反对他的人也不少,虽然美国护照上写的很威武霸气,但是如果一个国家长期以霸凌的方式欺负别的国家,那么他的国民怎么又能安全?
20. Do you want to pick a fight.
24. Letnaturetakeitscourseisalwayshelpless.
25. Im counting on you. / Youre my only hope。就指望你了。
26. Do what you say,say what you do
28. A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.
32. Toomanystorieshavenoresults.
33. Dont push me around. 不要摆布我。
34. Nevermind,Iwillfindsomeonelikeyou.
35. Not sad,be happy. Don39;t hesitate,will adhere to.
37. Do something about it / Dont just sit there想想办法吧!别闲坐着!
45. Everyonehasastory,justadifferentinterpretationoftheway.
47. Iapersonhowtorecallthesweetoftwopeople.
52. happyEnglishhappylife.快乐英语快乐生活。
53. Lao tze came to this world don39;t mean to back alive.
54. Who do you think you are你以为你是谁啊?!毫不客气地说!
56. Only not afraid dead of people alive.
59. 你就是一道风景,没必要在别人风景里面仰视。
60. Who do you think you are.
63. This seconds don39;t give up,next second will have hope.
64. Crowdedaccidentalyacrossnotanymore.
65. You and what army 你和哪一路人马啊
66. Successliesnotinthepresenceoftalent,andwithnoideal。
69. 有天,我会指着心脏,骄傲的告诉你,那里换人了。
71. 不要指望谁陪你一辈子,没光的时候连影子都会离开你。
72. You eat with that mouth.你是用这张嘴吃饭的吗
75. Metisthebeginningbutalsoleftthecountdown.
76. 成功不在于有无天资,而在与无理想。——德田虎雄
77. Never,never,never,never give up (Winston Churchill)
78. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor )
79. I will greet this day with love in my heart.
80. 网上谣传,美国护照上写着"无论你走到哪里,美国政府和军队都会永远给予你支持"。因此有人笑侃为:出去了有人欺负你,招呼一声咱修理他。
81. 只要一个人还在追求,他就不会老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。(巴里摩尔)
82. All things come to those who wait.
86. 有人老是说美国的护照上有一句传说中特别霸气的话:Whateveryougotowhere,theUnitedStatesgovernmentandmilitarywouldsupportyouforever,翻译成中文就是:无论你走到哪里,你身后有强大的美xxx队在保护你。
92. Do something about it / Dont just sit there.
94. I swung forward,even if blood and bones on the floor.
96. Holding a kitchen knife cut wire spark with lightning all the way.
97. Stop playing the fool. / Don't act stupid.
99. 人的一切痛苦,本质上都是对自己无能的愤怒。
101. 我走得很慢,但我从不后退。(亚伯拉罕.林肯美国)
103. 即使血和骨散落在地上,我也摇摇晃晃地向前走。
104. Evenlonelyalllaughatmecowardly.
105. 你要学会努力奔跑,别被世俗跌得一塌糊涂。
108. 心灵纯洁的人,生活充满甜蜜和喜悦。——列夫·托尔斯泰
114. Dont push me around.
115. 有益者不为,无益者为之,所以苦其劳而不见成功。——薛瑄
116. Madlaughterfollowsthedroughtoftears.
118. Myso-calledstrongbutselfdeceptiondisguise.