5. 不懂我的人有什么资格对我指指点点,不了解我的人凭什么对我说三道四。
9. 我们总不能让所有人都满意,因为不是所有人都是人。
10. 如果你熟练地运用"关我屁事"和"关你屁事",就可以省下人生80%的时间。
13. 你越来越不想开口说话的原因是什么?不想伤害别人,也不想恶心自己。
27. Men like beautiful faces,women like sweet talk,so,women make up,men lie.
30. You can not beautiful,also can not love to dress up,even can be very can not be good,you can not motivated,or even not I can't.
33. 时间久了铁都会生锈,更何况是人心这种善变的东西!
42. how others to you,you respond with the same attitude is,born human,who is not the first person.
46. between people more care about the more boring,happy to get along,do not want to stop.
52. 与人相处最怕的就是:你不相信你看到的我,却相信别人口中的我。——宫崎骏
54. We can't please all the people,because not all of them are human.
60. Twenty-three,love for a long time of people you suddenly do not love,listen to the song for a long time you suddenly do not listen to,keep the habit of many years you suddenly changed,after all,time is stronger than love.
63. free to eat fish together,see you pretty picky.
66. you remember,as long as you are not afraid of pain,not afraid of death,shameless,you will not take less than things.
69. Get along with people most afraid is:you don't believe what you see me,but believe in other people in miyazaki
70. hit a person not to hit the face,call a person not to don't make jokes about other people's 's not funny.
73. 年纪越大越不爱解释和说服,说来话长,人生苦短,求同存异,爱咋咋地。
75. 人与人之间越计较就越没意思,开心就相处,不合意就停止。