3. Sometimes an event or circumstance takes us by surprise. Often, the untimely and premature death of celebrities (or loved ones) shocks us, because we never saw it coming.
5. Do you know someone whose husband or wife cheated on them? I'll bet they never saw it coming.
6. If someone is blindsided, they are attacked or hit in their xxxblind spotxxx. They didn't see it coming. If someone takes you by surprise, especially in a competition or a game, they blindside you. You are caught by surprise or caught unawared.
8. 教你那些降妖除魔的绝技。哪些绝技?说学逗唱。
9. 我的生涯一片无悔,我想起那天夕阳下的奔跑,那是我逝去的青春。
11. 其实是这样的,一旦出现坏消息,你就会被吸入我的怀抱,然后在重力的影响下被摔在地面上。这是大自然的规律,没法避免啊!
12. 挑战不可能的人,不管成功还是失败,都应该被人尊重。
14. 不要杀我,我只是送外卖的,我只是来旅游的。
17. 你还在为妖怪侵袭唉声叹气吗?你还在为身家性命辗转难眠吗?现在再也不用发愁了,大英雄王大锤,耀世登场,千锤百炼,王者归来。
18. 我感受到一股强大的力量正在向双拳汇聚。我的左拳像火焰一样炙热,我的右拳像冰霜一样寒冷。
20. 我们要去远方看看,还有什么是我们的思密达!
21. 这忧伤的兰花指果然非同凡响,一定是线索所在。
23. 我罩着这个镇子,大家在我的保护下,安居乐业。
26. 我说他是个废物吧?你居然还粉他?我对他粉转黑。
27. 只要足够帅就行。。这么说来我也不需要做什么嘛看我如何用这俊朗的五官。忧郁的气质轻易征服她。。
28. 你救了我,今晚我就要跟你洞房,我要我要,洞房洞房,我要我要,我要我要,洞房洞房,我要我要。
29. 相信用不了多久,我就会升职加薪当上总经理出任CEO迎娶白富美走向人生巅峰想想还有点小激动我记得这个还有一个奔跑和开头的两个!
30. If any plan or scheme (especially an evil one) doesn't work out the way someone expects, we say their plan has backfired. They didn't plan for it… and so, they didn't see it coming.
31. If something happens xxxout of the bluexxx, it happens quickly and unexpectedly. If something happens out of the blue, you don't see it coming. It appears from "out of nowhere".
33. 人就是很奇怪,不喜欢别人骗自己,去喜欢自己骗别人。
34. 我要做一个理智的慕丝!不要在给我家慕容公子找黑了。
35. When the ending of a movie turns out way different to what we expect, we call that a twist (in the plot). The storyline is designed in such a way that we don't see it coming. Can you remember a movie that turned out completely different to what you imagined?My example: The Prestige.
37. 想要营救公主,就要,嗯。。额。。这。。。就要。。。就要。。。就要从我的尸体上跨过去。。。拜托能把台词背熟在上来吗!!
39. 冷月无声照九州,白衣仗剑上高楼,公子欲饮花雕酒?不!我只想洗个头——慕容白
41. 为了你赵云七进七出险些丧命你个丧门星!为了你诸葛亮遭受冰火九重天你个丧门星!为了你张飞惨遭大宝剑你这丧门星!报!关将军败走卖城为了你几损我一员大将!报!的卢马难产而死为了你的卢马难产死了报!曹军来袭了为了你曹军来袭了!大自然的规律还真是没法改变呀!