2. Raindroveagainstthewindow.
3. 我的同伴从窗口一头扎了下去,而我则沿着走廊跑。
4. Heranheadlongfortheopendoor.他飞快地朝敞开着的门跑去。
5. 在分析并理解词义的基础上加以说明。如用"瞻仰"造句,可以这样造:"我站在广场上瞻仰革命烈士纪念碑。"因为"瞻仰"是怀着敬意抬头向上看。
6. 有的形容词造句可以用一对反义词或用褒义词贬义词的组合来进行,强烈的对比能起到较好的表达作用。如用"光荣"造句:"讲卫生是光荣的,不讲卫生是可耻的。"用"光荣"与"可耻"作对比,强调了讲卫生是一种美德。
7. Awaspflewintheopenwindow.一只黄蜂飞进了开着的窗子。
8. His widow became a virtual recluse for the remainder of her life.(他的遗孀在其余生成了一名实际上的隐居者。)
9. Therearenolightsinthewindowsofthetown.镇子中人家的窗口没有一点儿灯光。来自《权威词典》
11. The victim's widow protested at the leniency of the sentence.
12. ShestartedworklastMonday.
14. Ain't you and the widow good friends?(你和寡妇不是好朋友吗?)
15. Cartoon creator Fujio's widow Masako Fujimoto said Doraemon transcends culture and language making him popular with children worldwide.(卡通创作者不二雄的遗孀藤本正子称,哆拉A梦超越了文化、语言的界限,使他受到全世界孩子的喜爱。)
16. As the last notes of the hymn died away, the widow ran to the coffin, cast herself upon it and sobbed hysterically.(当赞美诗的最后几个音符渐渐消失时,寡妇跑到棺材前,扑在上面,歇斯底里地抽泣起来。)
18. she's a widow now.(她现在是一个寡妇。)
20. Lo and behold, it turns out that his widow, to whom he confessed various infidelities before expiring, was pregnant; indeed, he was the father.(你瞧,原来他的遗孀怀孕了,他在临死前曾向她承认过各种不忠行为;事实上,他就是孩子的父亲。)
21. He could not bear to give up the fun at widow Douglas'.(他不忍心放弃去道格拉斯寡妇家玩。)
22. Black widow spiders also use their webs to ensnare their prey.(黑寡妇蜘蛛也用它们的网诱捕猎物。)
23. MymatedivedheadfirstthroughawindowandIrandownthehallway.
24. Everybody knows--the widow, too, for all she tries to let on she don't.(大家都知道——那个寡妇也知道,尽管她竭力装出一副不知道的样子。)
25. Never mind; you'll see, when we get to the widow Douglas'.(别问了;等我们到了道格拉斯寡妇家,你就知道了。)
31. Withtheoceanoutsideourwindowandafireplaceintheroom,myholidaywasjustascozyasIdreameditwouldbe.
32. The widow said to herself, xxxThere—he's asleep, poor wreck.xxx(寡妇自言自语地说:"瞧——他睡着了,可怜的孩子。")
33. 这两个单词的第一个字母W发音相同,都发/w/.
34. Musicblaredoutfromtheopenwindow.喧闹的音乐从敞开的窗口传出。
35. 用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用"尽管……可是……"造句:"尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。" 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。
38. She became a widow a year ago.(她一年前成了寡妇。)
39. Shewasanindustriousandwillingworker.
40. Sandra West, a rich widow from Texas, decided that she wanted to be buried with her favorite car.(桑德拉·韦斯特是德克萨斯州的一位富有的寡妇,她决定和她最喜欢的车一起入葬。)
41. Heheardthecarenginerunningsweetlybeyondtheopendoor.他听到敞开的门口外的汽车引擎运转正常。
42. 用形容词造句,可以对人物的动作、神态或事物的形状进行具体的描写。如用"鸦雀无声"造句:"教室里鸦雀无声,再也没有人说笑嬉闹,再也没有人随意走动,甚至连大气都不敢出了。"这就把"鸦雀无声"写具体了。
43. Iclimbedthroughthewindow.
45. Theballsmashedawindow.那个球把一块窗玻璃打碎了。来自《权威词典》
47. Hardworkneverhurtanyone.
48. Thepainterhasalargestudiowithawindowfacingnorth.那位画家有一间窗子朝北的大画室。来自《权威词典》
49. The victim's widow was today being comforted by family and friends.(受害人的遗孀今天正受到亲属和朋友的安慰。)
50. The widow burst into tears.(寡妇突然哭了起来。)
51. Stead of going to Joe Harper's we'll climb right up the hill and stop at the widow Douglas.(我们不要乔·哈帕家,而是直接去爬山,在道格拉斯寡妇家歇脚。)
52. inthewindow贴在窗口上;摆在橱窗里
53. Sheissuchahardworkerandhasgreatpotential.
54. Like most other guilds, the Wildberg weaver's guild banned women from becoming masters, however, it exempted master's widow.(像其他公会一样,怀尔德伯格编织者公会禁止女性成为主人,但是主人的遗孀除外。)
56. xxx窗户xxx的英语读音:window英[ˈwɪndəʊ]美[ˈwɪndoʊ]例句:
58. 用比拟词造句,可以借助联想、想象使句子生动。如用"仿佛"造句:"今天冷极了,风刮在脸上仿佛刀割一样。"
60. xxxYou're a widow?xxx—xxxYes. My husband's been dead a year now.xxx("你是个寡妇?"——"是的,我丈夫去世1年了。")