1. The sweetest word that a man's lips can utter is his mother, and the most beautiful call is his mother.
2. L,selflesslove,moralityandthedwarf.(Japanese)
3. 我们常常怨恨自己的母亲,甚至羡慕别人的母亲。如果用心去体会,不难感受到她们的关怀。不管是慈爱还是严厉,都要相信那是她们爱的体验。最纯洁而又最真挚的爱莫过于此。
4. Thousands of motherly love, a warm and kind word; a deep and great word; it carries thousands of caring, all kinds of care to the other side of my growth; it is with careful care, carefully nurtured the way to my growth... Maternal love, lit up the candlelight of my life, illuminated my way forward, cherish maternal love, why not?
5. 母爱是多么的伟大啊,虽然您跟我隔了一个大西洋,但我知道,您一定在异国他乡想念着我们。如果,沙田肯给我一个机会,我会捡起母爱,将它溶在心里,我不会再失去一个完整的母爱。
6. 母爱是人类最纯洁、最无私、最珍贵的情感,每一个孩子无不享受着母亲给予的幸福和快乐。长长的人生之路,因为有了母亲的教育、引导、扶持,而变得那么自信和顺利,无论你走到哪里,她都伴你延伸、顺畅。那悠悠的牵挂,那谆谆的叮咛,为你指点迷津,护你一路走好。
7. 母爱是最无私的感情。母爱如春天的甘霖,悄无声息地洒落在我们的心田;母爱像一条长河,它恬静,泛着微微的浪花。在成长的道路上,母爱缓缓送我前行……
8. 母爱是伟大的,同时也是悲凉的,我们歌颂母爱,但往往是时过境迁之后。正当青春年少时的你我,并不能完全理解在母亲那细微的言谈举止之中,所蕴藏的深深柔情。直到有一天, 我们也为人父母了,才逐渐地从自身经历体会到。
9. Maternal love is a thick quilt that warms your lonely, tired and even scarred heart from time to time.
10. Unforgettable mother's voice, it is the comfort of injury, is the encouragement of failure, is the driving force of growth, is the reason for success. Listen to mother's love and happiness forever.
11. Mother is a big ship, carrying us to the sea, to pursue the mystery of life, to explore the magic of the world.
12. A mother 's love never changes.
13. 母亲,一个多么亲切的字眼!古今中外,多少文人曾赞美着。唐代诗人孟郊的千古名句:"谁言寸草心,报得三春晖!"不就是一个例子吗?古老的歌曲《世上只有妈妈好》之所以经历数百年的风风雨雨还常听人唱起,是因为一种爱——母爱。
14. 母亲的爱就像那广阔的大海,像那浩瀚的宇宙,永无边际;像那奔腾的河流,永不停息。
15. 《游子吟》中的"慈母手中线",织出一幅儿行千里母担忧的速写,这是全天下母亲的动作,养儿育女,献出满腔的爱,我们看得出她的那份心意,慈母的形象根深蒂固。
16. 既然母爱不可思议,拥有者更是一个幸运儿了。像那个儿子一样,因为有了母爱,而幸福。不管再贫寒,你我也总是一个幸福的人。这篇见证母爱的文章,也让我想坠落一次,坠落在柔碎的泪眼中,坠落在母爱的天堂里。
17. Motherly love is the ultimate destination of the wanderers in the world. It is a clear spring that moistens the soul of the children. It accompanies the children with a sip, threads, and endless. Thus, in the laughter and tears of the children, it melts into the lingering love of the mother.
18. Nothing can replace a mother's love.
19. 世上有一种爱,它博大无私;人间有一种情,它庄严神圣。它使我魂牵梦绕,它使我幸福一生。它——最平凡的母爱。
20. Mother's love is like a cup of strong fragrant tea, which brings us fragrance when hungry and thirsty, motherly love is like a colorful rainbow, and brings us hope when lost. Mother's love is like a red sun, which brings us warmth when cold, and mother's love is like a bright street lamp, which shows us the direction when lost.
21. 大爱无言,母爱如水,这种爱,温柔而深沉!回想过去妈妈为我所做的一切,而我真正为妈妈做的却微乎其微。现在能为妈妈做的事就是活得好好的,多陪陪她,让她少一份担心,少一份牵挂,让她也因为有我,感到幸福。
22. 世界最无私、最伟大、最崇高的爱,莫过于母爱。在我的学习生活中,妈妈给了我无微不至的关爱,在妈妈的关爱中,我健康、快乐地成长着。
23. Mother's love is a cloud in the sky, always let the hot sun, drive through her body first, give the earth breathing for rain and peace. Mother's love is the clouds after the rain, always let the land washed, not abandoned lying in the arms, the colorful dream of life written in the high sky. Mother's love is the intoxicating spring breeze, the drizzle of moistening things, the laughter that accompanies your life, and the wisps and wishes that you wander the world.
24. Maternal love is a life-long accompanying laughter, maternal love is wandering in the world of wishful thinking, maternal love is the care and anxiety of children before the sick bed, maternal love is the ardent expectation of children's growth.
25. Don't let mother's refusal be our selfish excuse, and don't neglect mother's existence and needs because of her age.
26. Nothing approaches the love of a mother for her child.
27. When successful, who are friends. But only his mother — she was a partner at the time of failure.
29. 我慢慢懂得:自己的事情应该自己做,不能让大人操心,同时要学会感恩大人,争取在学校里以好的表现和优秀的学习成绩来报答妈妈、在家里多帮助大人做些家务。母爱伟大、无私,用金钱也买不到的。我们都要有颗感恩的心,感谢父母的养育之恩。
30. 人们常说,母爱像大海那样深,像山峰那样高;母爱是任何东西都无法替代的。妈妈给予我的爱从来都是不计回报的。
31. Motherly love is the ultimate destination of the wanderers in the world. It is a clear spring that moistens the soul of the children. It is accompanied by the children's drinking, threads, and endless. Thus, in the laughter and tears of the children, it melts into the lingering love of the mother.
32. 蓦然回首,当你开始体会母亲的伟大之时,我们的母亲却已是苍苍白发。而我们,注定无法改变母亲那粗糙的双手,无法让母亲重回青春,让我们好好地报答她。
35. Maternal love is the greatest force in the world.
36. 难忘母亲的声音,它是受伤的安慰,是失败的鼓励,是成长的动力,是成功的原因。倾听母爱,幸福永远。
37. 赞美母亲的诗文已有太多太多,咏唱母亲的歌曲更是不可计数。而我眼中的母爱却是多姿多彩的。母爱时而像春天的天空,她的爱如同春雨一般滋润温柔;母亲时而像悠远的森林,她的爱如同冒险一样深不可测;母亲时而像险峻的高山,她的爱如同瀑布一般浩瀚澎湃;母亲时而像惊险的电影,她的爱如同画面一样千变万化。
38. Whereisyourmother,(UK)
39. Mother's love is a ray of sunshine, so that your heart can feel warm as spring even in the cold winter; Mother's love is a spring, so that your emotions even covered with the dust of the years are still pure and clear.
41. 母爱的力量是无穷的,她的爱能让孩子遭遇到一切坎坷化为乌有。我认为母爱的地位在每个人心里是不可取代的,因为母爱永远使我们心灵的港湾,是我们永远的依靠,她的爱比海洋还要深远,比钻石还要耀眼。
42. Everything else in the world is false, empty, and only the mother is real, eternal and indestructible.
43. Mother's love is as plain as water, because she pays too much for you; Mother's love is as plain as water, because she leaves you all the good things; Mother's love is as strong as water, because she helps you in times of trouble.
44. Amother’sloveneverchanges.
46. 风的姿态多变,但更爱展现出慈母的温柔,像一位身着云一样飘逸的白色长裙的女子像一位身着云一样飘逸的白色长裙的女子,让舐动的裙摆轻轻抚裟你的脸庞,让你涅馨得好象要依偎在母亲的怀抱里甜甜地熟睡。母爱的感觉,这般美丽和谐。
47. 我们不能永远的受之,要多回报她们。不求物质上的回报,至少要给她们一点精神上的安慰,"羊有跪乳之恩,鸦有反哺之意。"孝敬父母是我们每个人的义务,决不能违背做人的准则。