1. whenanantsays'ocean',he'stalkingaboutasmallpool.
2. There is only one person who can not get through。
4. 团结就有力量和智慧,没有诚意实行平等或平等不充分,就不可能有持久而真诚的团结。
6. Without a cold biting, plum blossom Pubi how?
7. There is no natural confidence, only to continue to develop the confidence。
8. 掌握思想的教育,是团结全党进行伟大**斗争的中心环节。
9. 不管努力的目标是什么,不管他干什么,他单枪匹马总是没有力量的。合群永远 是一切善良思想的人的最高需要。
12. There is no road farther than the foot, no higher than the mountain!
14. Is the true wisdom fortitude ambition。
18. the weather in Beijing 北京的天气
19. clean my room打扫房间 clean-- cleaned
21. 一个人是在对周围生活环境的反抗中创造成功的。
24. hewhowoulddogreatthingsshouldnotattemptthemallalone.
25. write to me soon 尽快给我写信(见信速回)
26. With the circle, as retreat webs。
27. Dress with pearls, as to enrich themselves with knowledge。
28. We were at Buckingham Palace. 我们在白金汉宫。
29. 单靠一朵美丽的鲜花,打扮不出美丽的春天,个人只有融入团结的集体才能实现宏伟目标。因此,一个国家、一个民族只有精诚团结,才能自立于世界,才能 谋求进步和发展。特别是我们这些作为新世纪的接班人的青少年更应该学会团结,这样才能立足社会。继承和发扬中华民族的传统美德,也是我们作为炎黄子孙义不 容辞的责任。
30. help him帮他忙 help-----helped
31. People only have the courage to say goodbye to the coast, to find a new ocean。
34. Suffer from eating to eat again, will not lose the。 Bitter, sweet and big。
36. When the external pressure increases, it should enhance the internal power。
37. 智慧从劳动来,行动从思想来,荣誉从集体来,力量从团结来。
43. No big exaggerate。 The more shallow knowledge, the more deep the confidence。
45. wash my trousers洗裤子 wash--washed
46. Little strokes fell great oaks。, Dripping water wears through a stone。
48. The most sad is that they can not overcome their own。
49. When you fall to the bottom, it is said, you can only go up, not down!
50. The most important thing is not to look at the distance, but to do things at hand。
52. 团结就是力量,在各方面都需要团结。我们的大家庭更需要团结,以绽放出更加询丽的光彩,团结中不免有合作。
54. don'tletyesterdayuseuptoomuchoftoday.
56. Don't be afraid to pick roses because you are afraid of being hurt by a rose。
57. Every successful person has a beginning。 Courage to start, to find a successful way。
58. Remember when life's path is steep, to stay calm。
59. 五人团结一只虎,十人团结一条龙,百人团结像泰山。
61. Good talk is better than words, and the appropriate language is better than a compliment。
63. 团结的确是一种精神,它源于信任,且无处不在,更重要的是这种精神是难以估量的`。这个时代呼唤许多精神,而团结精神将永远是推动时代前进的不竭动力。
64. 中国最团结的群体莫过于街头贩卖的小贩,做到了一呼百应。一家站岗,万家安心。
66. 要让一群人团结起来,需要的不是英明的领导,而是共同的敌人。
68. a photo of and me 一张我和Lingling的照片
69. Action is a good medicine to cure fear, and hesitation, delay will continue to nourish the fear。
70. Eat bitter, bitter, for the people。
72. cook noodles下面条 cook--cooked
73. Make a decision, it is not difficult, it is difficult to put into action, and adhere to the end。
74. thank you for your letter你的来信
76. 上上下下群策群力共建文明宿舍,方方面面同心通德共创美好家园。
77. tell me about China 给我讲讲有关中国的事
78. How can we see the rainbow without the wind and rain?
80. The greatest joy in life is that you can't do it!
82. 以斗争求团结则团结存,以退让求团结则团结忘。
83. 能用众力,则无敌于天下矣;能用众智,则无畏于圣人矣。
85. Energy-saving, white square regret later reading。
86. 为了达到伟大的目标和团结,为此所必需的千百万大军应当时刻牢记主天时不如地利,地利不如人和。
89. youcan'twakeapersonwhoispretendingtobeasleep.
95. onefingercannotliftasmallstone.
97. Where does she live? 她住在哪儿?