Dear [Zhang Ying]: can you come to the lunch party [Friday, May 5]? My niece [Mary] is visiting us, and I think you'll be very happy to meet her. She's a charming, very beautiful girl and very good companions [John and Jane] will be here. Maybe we can [dance] say after lunch that you'll come affectionately, Li Ming dear [Susan]: I know you're interested in [oil painting], so I'm sure you'll be interested in [Mr.
and Mrs. Linton] Interesting. They're coming here for dinner [next Sunday night, October 12, like you and Walter [Mr.
and Mrs. Linton] the very charming couple we met in [London] last summer? Dear Mr. Harrison, we will have a good talk with you in the company before dinner.
If you don't have a good dinner with Mr. Harrison, we will have a good talk with you in the factory Production started in [April], we would like to invite [you and your wife] to the celebration to commemorate this moment, because you will realize that this is an important milestone for the organization. Due to the continuous demand for our products, we have invited all individuals from home and abroad, and we believe that you will welcome us.
Please confirm that you will be able to attend and let us know your time We can arrange for you to meet all your accommodation arrangements (overnight on April 1) and will, of course, at our expense, serve you faithfully,.