More and more students are doing part-time work working part time usually have a positive attitude towards this extracurricular earning some money to support themselves,they can learn a lot which cannot be learned from will learn to get along with different kinds of people,get useful working experiences and learn the value of labor.
However,there are also some disadvantages in students doing part-time example,too much work may cut into student's study time when they should get the best out of their college llfe and lay a good foundation of knowledge for their college life and lay a good foundation of knowledge for their future disadvantage is that money earned,if not properly used,may lead to some bad habits,or even greed.
Good or bad,it is not easy for students to get part-tithe jobs in China if they do get some work,they are often badly change the situation,the society should develop a fresh look at students doing parttime work and provide them with opportunities in applying what they learn in the classroom to the real life situation of our society.