汽车进站了,车门打开了,//我刚想上前帮忙,却见车门底部伸出一块钢板,稳稳地下降,降到与地面平齐后,那残疾人手摇轮椅上了钢板,钢板又稳稳的回升,// 待升到与车门平齐的位置后,残疾人又开始摇动手轮,轮椅便沿钢板稳稳地进了车厢。
The bus came to the stop and the door opened. I was about to give the disabled passenger a hand when a steel plate slid out from the bottom of the door, lowered level to the ground, and rose again after the man moved his wheelchair onto it. As I reached the level of the door, the man easily maneuvered into the bus.