3. you've got a great personality、你的個性很好。
5. Nothing Can Stop You Now 现在你已所向无敌了
8. Your thoughtfulness has given me great joy.
12. i'm very pleased with your work、我對你的工作非常滿意、
14. the food is delicious、好吃!
15. I Like Your Work 我欣赏你的工作
16. 肯为一个人去假装自己,也许是最细微的爱与牺牲,笑中有泪。
19. Outstanding Performance 出色的表现
20. How Did You Do That? 你怎样完成的? 你怎样完成的?
22. you have a good sense of humor、你真幽默。
23. May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!
24. It is at a time like this that one really appreciates the kindness of a friend.
26. I respect your work、我對你的工作表示敬意。
27. You can do it、你辦得到的`!
30. 有些话我宁愿放在心里埋起来,再痛也不说出来。
31. 离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。
34. your company is very impressive、你的公司給我留下深刻印象。
35. Your kindness means so much.
36. Creative Job 创造性的完成任务
39. That’s suitable for you、真適合你!
40. You Made My Day 你今天真让我高兴
41. I Can See Progress 我已经看到了进步
43. Exceptional Performance 非同一般的表现
44. you always know the right thing to say、說的很不錯哦
45. 安静的享受着自己一个人的时刻,是那么的孤独,那么的寂寞。
47. 当你爱一个人时,你才发现,他是你心里地刺青,永远深深地印在你的心里。
52. How wonderful it is to hear about your baby!Congratulations to you and the lucky little one.
53. Spectacular 壮观的,引人入胜的 壮观的,
54. Look How Far You've Come 瞧,你已经有多领先了
56. 幸福为什么对我就这么苛刻,几次从我身边走过。
57. you have a good taste、你很有品位。
58. Now You've Got It 现在你做到了
59. 在爱的世界里,没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。
60. Great Discovery 伟大的发现
62. Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year.
64. 宏伟理想鼓斗志,幼小心灵开红花。好孩子!今天是你的节日,叔叔给你准备了适合你吃不伤牙齿的糖,送给你,社会主义的小红花!儿童节快乐!
65. 一天天走远,一夜夜演变,一年年走远一个回不去的童年。一次次想念,一封封信笺,一条条短信送回你一个快乐的儿童节!
66. You Are Exciting 你真令人激动
67. At this time of sorrow, deep sympathy goes to you and yours.
69. your English is incredible、我真不敢相信你的英語這麼好啊
71. 有的人,总是忘不了,就像有的人,总是记不住。
72. 儿童节了,祝你像儿童一样活泼可爱,像儿童一样诚实善良,像儿童一样纯真好奇,像儿童一样天天向上。但是不能淘气,更不准夜里尿炕!
73. You Make Me Laugh 你让我开怀大笑
79. Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.
81. You Brighten My Day 你让我今天增辉不少
82. 没有爱情的时候说寂寞,有了爱情的时候说落寞。
83. You're A Good Friend 你是一个好朋友
85. I can't remember when I had a more pleasant time.
86. 儿童节,一个回忆的日子,一个轻松的日子,一个纯真的日子,一个快乐的日子,一个祝福的日子,准许你在今天重新做一回儿童,祝你儿童节愉快!
89. You're On Top Of It 你是数一数二的
90. With warmth and understanding at this time of sorrow…and friendship that is yours for all the tomorrows.
91. every thing tastes great、每樣東西都很美味!
92. we're so proud of you、我們十分為你驕傲、
94. you look great today、你今天看上去很棒。
95. what an adorable baby!多麼可愛的孩子、
98. We would do anything to ease your sorrow if we only could.
101. You are my sunshine 你是我的阳光
102. What An Imagination 多么丰富的想象力!
104. "六一"猜个字谜,谜面儿童不宜。保持一颗童心,谜语猜出童趣。如果脑筋想歪,确实少儿不宜。不要少见多怪,马上公布谜底。奇!儿童节快乐!
105. 公交分钟一班,地铁分钟一班,我们的爱,一辈子只有这一班!