The Second World War, the Second World War, was a global military conflict that lasted until. Most countries in the world, including all the major powers, formed two opposing military alliances: allies and Axis powers. This is the most extensive war in history.
Since more than one million military personnel were mobilized under the _all-round war_, the main participants tranerred all their economy The use of industrial and scientific capabilities in war efforts has eliminated the distinction between civilian and military resources marked by major actions against civilians, including the Holocaust and the only use of nuclear weapons in war, the deadliest conflict in human history, estimated to have killed between 50 and 70 million people. It is generally believed that the war began in September when Nazi Germany invaded Poland, and then France and most other countries declared war on Germany. In the British Empire and the Commonwealth countries, China and Japan were already at war.
In view of the German invasion of the Soviet Union and Japan's attacks on Pearl Harbor of the Pacific fleet of the United States and the British overseas colonies, other countries that did not participate in the war later joined the war, This led to the United States and the Commonwealth declaring war on Japan. In the Second World War, the allies defeated Germany and Japan in an all-round way and ended the Dutch war, which changed the world political structure and social structure greatly. The establishment of the United Nations was to promote international cooperation and prevent future conflicts.
The Soviet Union and the United States became hostile superpowers, which laid the foundation for the cold war It lasted 40 years. At the same time, the acceptance of the principle of self-determination accelerated the decolonization movement in Asia and Africa, while Western Europe began to move towards economic recovery and strengthen political integration.