1. To live is to die, but to die is not necessarily to be reborn.
2. 爱是我们死去时唯一能带走的东西,它能使死亡变得如此从容。
3. Death is a living life, and life is death on the road.
4. Because it is a willingness to indulge, even death does not need to be saved.
6. He said that every death was painful.
7. 人不应当害怕死亡,他所应害怕的是未曾真正地生活。
8. 要获得伟大的收获,我们就必须生活得好像永远不会走向死亡一样。
11. 企业的成本水平如果处在全国平均水平,就是在死亡线上。
12. Death is the greatest evil, because it destroys hope.
13. Death is a dagger, but it is the living who bleeds and injures.
14. One should not fear death, he should fear that he has never really lived.
15. The basic difference between youth and old age is that the former has a promising future and the latter is on the verge of death.
16. 冷漠无情,就是灵魂的瘫痪,就是过早的死亡。
18. 如果说出生是最明确的一场旅行,死亡难道不是另一场出发?
19. 比麻木更深一层的,就是淡然,对于死亡的淡然。
20. 每个正直的人,就像躲避死亡一样,避免撒谎。
21. Death rejects all understanding.
23. 玄虚的学识呵,你也就要暗淡、死亡,在智慧的永恒的太阳面前。
24. 生命本身並无意义,唯有死亡彰显生命的价值。
25. To achieve great gains, we must live as if we would never go to death.
28. Death is not the end of life, but the beginning.
29. Hope is half a life, indifference is half a death.
30. 因为是心甘情愿地沉溺,即使死亡也无须被拯救。
31. Death is just going from one room to another.
35. There is a kind of life in the world. Every time it dies, it is for returning!
38. So care about death, keep awakening to death, face up to the recognition of death, in other words, this is freedom.
40. Death can only be conquered in one way: to change the world before death.
41. 与社会隔绝的人的各种原因的总体死亡率要高出两倍。
43. 痛苦和死亡是生命的一部分。抛弃它们就是抛弃生命本身。
44. Every honest man avoids lying just as he avoids death.
45. If the cost level of enterprises is at the national average level, it is on the death line.
46. Death is God's best gift to man in a secular life that we can't live with.
47. 一旦死去,就再也不会失去什么了,这就是死亡的起点。
48. Death can't destroy you, but death will destroy your self, so there will be fear of death, everyone is afraid of death.
50. 在死亡的门前,我们要思量的不是生命的空虚,而是它的重要性。
52. 只有通过一种方式才能征服死亡:抢在死亡之前改变世界。
53. 他并不惧怕死亡,死亡只是让他回到了神的怀抱。
54. 死亡,你虽是千古以来最可怕之事,但你又有什么值得骄傲!
55. 一切悲剧皆因死亡而结束,一切喜剧皆因婚姻而告终。
56. While life is advancing, it is moving towards death.
60. Death is not loss of life, but out of time.
62. 死亡并不是生命的终点,死亡不过是开端罢了。
65. 向死而生的意义是:当你无限接近死亡,才能深切体会生的意义。
67. 生命,不过只是一场骗局,从你开始呼吸的那一刻起,你就已经在慢慢死亡了。
69. The death of an old man is like dumping a museum.
70. Pain and death are part of life. To abandon them is to abandon life itself.
71. 一个人不管走到哪里,他都是在走向死亡。欲望害怕死亡,它却不知不觉地走向死亡。
72. 活着就是最好的死亡,越接近死亡,把绝望活成趁早爱你的渴望。
74. 人类潜意识里畏惧的并非身体的死亡,而是对恍惚没有来过此世充满了隐忧。
75. 奋战而死,是死亡摧毁死亡;畏怯而死,却做了死亡的奴隶。
77. 死亡是不存在的,它是不真实的。死亡是你自己创造的,你藉由创造小我的单独而创造死亡。
79. 人们之所以怀有一丝希望,是因为他们看不见死亡。
82. Avoidance of death is unhealthy and abnormal. It makes the second stage of life lose its purpose.
83. People are afraid of death. Actually, living is more terrible than death.
84. 静止便是死亡,只有运动才能敲开永生的大门。
85. Cry with laughter and live with death.
86. Life and daily labor are the only things we can depend on and be close to, and death is far away.
87. 对死亡的回避是不健康和异常的,它使生命第二阶段失去目标。