Thismodeloftypedin,with convenient transportationa of our products com* standard sandaregreatly appreciate dinavariety of differen tmarkets throughout the world.
Coveringanareaof(工厂占地面积)squaremeters,wenowhaveover(员工人数)employees,an annual sales figure thatexceedsUSD(销售额)andare currently exporting(出口比例)ofour production world wide.
Ourwell-equi pedfacilitie sandexce llent quality control throughoutall enable sustoguaran teetotal customer have received(填写客户获得的国际证书,如ISO9001).
Asaresulto four high quality product sandout standing customer service,we have gainedag loba lsalesnet work reaching(主要出口国家).If you are intereste dinanyo four product , looking forward to forming successful business.
relation ship swithnew client saround the world inthenear future.