Red Crowned Crane is a kind of large crane, which is the second rarest crane in the world (Chinese: Chinese: Pinyin: D ā nd ǐ ng è Japanese:, ^v^/^v^ means ^v^crown^v^ and ^v^crane^v^ in East Asia is known as the symbol of auspiciousness, longevity and loyalty. It is not easy for the crane to become a prey, although it is in the natural habitat of swamp and swamp When ripe, the Red Crowned Crane is snow-white with a piece of red skin on its head. When the crane is angry or excited, the skin turns bright red.
This crane is the heaviest crane, usually - kg lb. although the large Sarus crane is higher, the maximum weight of known male red crowned crane is kg lb in spring and summer. The Red Crowned Crane breeds in Siberia and occasionally breeds in Northeast Mongolia (.
Mongolia dagur strict reserve). Generally, only one survived after laying eggs. In autumn, it migrates to Korea, Japan, China, China and other countries During the winter in Taiwan and other East Asian countries, in addition to the sheep living in Hokkaido, cranes feed on small amphibians, aquatic invertebrates, insects and plants growing in swamps and swamps.
Their habitats are swamps, riverbanks and paddy fields. It is estimated that the population of this species is only in the wild. Almost all Chinese populations live in the coastal wetlands of Yancheng and the national bird farm in Pittsburgh.
A project has been carried out in Pennsylvania. Eggs donated by American zoos are airlifted to Russia, raised in hinggansky nature reserve and released into the wild. The project sends eggs between the two projects.
The project has been put on hold to focus on various crane conservation projects in Russia, such as education and fire fighting.