1. 黑色再黑,有你就美;生活悲催,有你不累;困难加倍,有你无所谓;安然入睡,只因你在身边作陪。
2. Hit the sack/hay 上床睡觉去(俚语)。
4. sleep deprivation 缺觉、睡眠不足
6. 站在最高处,一切的负累困扰覆手纠结,千寻梦绕,只愿做一个冰冻的种子,迈过往生,迈过风尘,走到山穷水尽,走过孤风冷雨,不可一世凋落,我又该往哪里寻
7. I sleep in every weekend and wake up around noon.
8. I suffered from insomnia/sleeplessness yesterday. 我昨晚失眠了。
9. I want to catch a wink before the guest arrive.
10. Let's hit the sack/hay. We have to get an early start in the morning.
11. 城市灯火惹人醉,人在江湖确实累;困难重重梦难遂,残酷现实要面对;生活无聊心疲惫,笑对人生无眼泪;人生难得几回醉,多多休息别太累
12. I'm a very light sleeper.
14. It's time to say good night. 该道声晚安了。
19. Go to bed/sleep. 上床睡觉。
20. Did the alarm go off? 闹钟响了吗?
22. jet lag 时差综合症,由时差造成的疲劳和睡眠障碍
24. 昨晚熬夜写作业,今天早上上课的时候,眼皮像是被灌了铅一样,不由自主地下沉,看着老师模糊的身影,我渐渐地弯下背,趴倒在课桌上。
25. I'm such a heavy sleeper that the explosion didn't wake me.
26. It's bedtime. 睡觉时间到了。
27. Every time I fly to the United States, I get really bad jet lag. 每次我飞去美国都要经受严重的时差影响。
28. Let me sleep on for ten minutes. 让我再睡10分钟。
31. I was so tired I could have slept around the clock.
32. 累困,时间就在我看着窗外的景色看着美丽的晚霞悄悄的走了。
35. I'll meet you at the movies right after I take a little catnap.
37. 星期一的早晨闹铃响起时,我睡眼朦胧的起床,只想着结束一天的行程回来继续补眠。
39. I want to stay in bed for another half an hour. 我真想在床上多睡半个小时。
40. A post-prandial snooze sets the brain up for learning.
42. Good night, sleep tight, sweet dreams. 晚安,睡个好觉,做个好梦。
43. 暮气沉沉释义:形容精神萎靡不振,缺乏朝气出自:范文澜《中国通史》第四编第一章第四节:"久已有志于改革的王安石,受命执政,生气勃勃,但朝廷却是暮气沉沉。
44. 在走向成功的征途中,坚持的过程往往就是积累的过程。