1. Were gonna be successful. Because we have the two things the really matter-you and 大家都是会顺利的,由于大家有着最重要的两种事情,我与你。
4. When you dont have enough money to fix your own mistakes, youve make your own magic.
5. 我人生有两个金科玉律:第一,始终不和吉普赛人喝同一口井的水;第二 永远不借钱给朋友。
6. With that smile and my bad heart, I'll die trying.
7. 你觉得,一声穿云指,我千军万马来服务,要我说,一声穿云指,我如瀑下阴也干枯。
9. People who hate you, but cant kill you. Thats what family is.
10. Dont run, its Han. For him, every step we take is like a 100-meter dash.
11. 你的纹身是想气死你爹,我爹压根不知他是我爹。
12. Its cool if you dont want to join in on the cupcake dream, but at least wait till you find another. Its a dream, not a man.
13. I wear knit hats when it's cold out. You wear knit hats cause of Coldplay.
18. Why is every inbred rich guy named William?
21. xxxWhy is every inbred rich guy named William?xxx
23. Crew necks are for squares and Mormons.
24. Listen, everybodys broke in their 20s, and everybody hides form stuff, you run into freezers, I practice ignorance and blackout drinking.
25. 你的纹身是想气死你,我爹压根不知他是我爹。
27. xxxI guess I am your BFF...Broke Friend Forever.xxx
28. 女孩们,受欺侮最糟糕的实际上是每一次如果你被欺负时,好像有一小部分的自身被偷去了,因此伴随着频率的增加,渐渐地的,你能越来越愈来愈不
30. With that smile and my bad heart, Iwill die trying。
31. I act like i dont want anything , because i never got anything i wanted
33. 这也是你们的广告牌。一个努力一个瞎忙活,波霸姐和没脑子妹。
34. 如果你没有钱填补你所犯的问题时,那么就得依靠自己实现梦想。
35. They're shooting a TV show here, and the back of my head or the side of my boob is gonna be in it!
36. 我猜我是你的BFF(原指Best Friend Forever),永远的破产朋友。
38. xxxHey when you get a second... stop looking at my boobs.xxx
39. People who hate you, but cant kill you. Thats what family is.家人便是恨你却又不可以杀你的人。
40. 不用跑,是Han罢了。我们走一步,对他的小短腿而言那便是百米冲刺。
42. There is no luck. There is only work.
43. 谁二十多岁的时候不是穷的,人人都有要逃避的事情,你选择躲进冷藏室,我选择视而不见和用酒精麻痹。
44. 你还有个院子,觉得是抓紧吸毒两相宜的好中央。
45. 对于韩老板来说,任何东西都很大。(讽刺韩老板矮小)
46. This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it.
47. 骗光整座城的人是你老爸 ——他只跟我们说往年生意挺好。
48. xxxEvery thing is big to Han.xxx
49. Everyone’s as judgmental as me.
50. Crew necks are for squares and Mormons。
51. 假如你不愿添加生日蛋糕梦也没事儿,但你最少要寻找其他理想。这也是理想,并不是男生。
52. 他们要在这里拍电视剧,我的后脑勺或者半边胸到时候可就上镜啦!
53. 你还有个院子,感觉是放松吸毒两相宜的好地方。
54. Hey when you get a second... stop looking at my boobs.
56. 圆领衫是给xxx飞机场xxx和摩门的xxx穿的。
57. I see an opportunity, and I make it happen.
59. 你觉得,一声穿云指,我千军万马来效劳,要我说,一声穿云指,我如瀑下阴也枯槁。
60. 姐戴帽子挡酷寒,二货戴帽学酷玩(英国酷玩乐队)。
62. 我只能拿几样东西走,可我全拿了没用的东西。
64. I have two rules in life: Never drink from the same well as a gypsy, and never lend money to friends.
69. Might as well face and I are on our own.
70. 听着,谁二十多岁的情况下并不是穷人。每个人都是有要躲避的事儿,你挑选躲到冰箱冷藏,我选择置若罔闻和用酒精麻木。
71. Thats your brand. The muscle and the hustle. The double-Ds and the ditz.
73. We are two very different kinds of idiots, but were idiots.
74. 骗光整座城的人是你老爸 ——他只跟我们说今年生意挺好。