1. For a real love, for a real jealousy, what is more real than delusions and fantasies?
2. 生活是由一连串小烦恼串成的念珠,心胸开阔的人是一边笑着一边数这串念珠的。
3. A drop of water is enough to teach a full pot of water to overflow, and a slight fault can bring punishment to the kind of person who has been evaded by many sins.
5. 只有抱着极端的无忧无虑的态度才能战胜极端的忧虑。
6. 一個人在興旺發達的時候,應該向左右播撒一頓頓飯,等到倒霉的時候就多少可以收獲幾頓了。
7. Women cry for the dead, men take revenge for the dead!
8. The future is due to your own courage, just because of your own courage.
9. 一旦您也有了創口,要把它好好掩藏起來。沉默是不幸的人的最后的快樂,別讓任何人知道您的痛苦的傷痕。
10. 任何一種面具,只須略為留心一點,就能夠辨別出它的真面目。一個壞人的笑法和一個正派人的不同,一個偽善者的哭法也和一個心地 忠厚者的不同。任何作假的手段是一種面具,而且無論面具制作得怎樣好, 我們只須略為留心一點,就能夠辨得出它和真面目究竟是兩樣的。
11. 只有抱著極端的無憂無慮的態度才能戰勝極端的憂慮。
12. 忧郁是因为自己无能,烦恼是由于欲望得不到满足,暴躁是一种虚怯的表现。
13. When it comes to conspiracy, the danger of women is many times greater than that of men.
14. 在我们所处的这个困难时代,⽣活最纯洁和德⾏最端正的⼈仍旧免不了坏⼈的污辱和迫害。
15. Life is full of humiliation and pain. All the clues linking life and happiness have been cut off at the hands of human beings one after another, especially the clues about money.
17. 忧郁是因为⾃⼰⽆能,烦恼是由于欲望得不到满⾜,暴躁是⼀种虚怯的表现。
18. 凡是有关计谋的事情,⼥⼈的危险不知⽐男⼈要⼤多少倍。
19. 对于⼀种真实的爱情来说,对于⼀种真正的妒忌来说,哪⼉还有⽐妄想和幻梦更真实的东西?
20. I know that people in love do things for nothing.
21. 女人是為了毀掉我們而創造出來的,我們的一切不幸都來自她們。(總感覺他在說這句話的時候有點虛偽……)
22. The more worthy a person is to get a hand, the harder it is to get a hand.
23. Everything in the world is the same. There is a beginning and an end.
24. A child of an aristocratic family must rely on his own bravery, listen carefully, and rely on his own bravery to make meritorious deeds.
25. You know the lives of others like the back of your hand, and you have a certain sense of superiority to them spiritually.
26. ⼈⽣满是屈辱和痛苦。⼀切将⼈⽣和幸福联系起来的线索都先先后后⼀根根地在⼈类的⼿⾥断掉了,尤其是⾦钱的线索。
28. ⼀个真正伟⼤的品格对四周的⼈能够产⽣多么有⼒量的影响。
29. Only the dead will not be met again in the world.
30. If anyone is timid for a moment, maybe he will let go of the bait that luck stretched out to him at that moment.
31. To make the world admire you and lead you as a model. Being kind and polite is not cowardice.
33. In this difficult time we live in, the most pure and virtuous people are still unavoidable from the humiliation and persecution of the bad guys.
35. 平常是糊里糊涂的,現在變得出人意外的小心謹慎,這正是由于報復的 欲望,而這種欲望多么能夠鍛煉人!
37. 凡是有关计谋的事情,女人的危险不知比男人要大多少倍。
38. Excessive sadness does not make you a real man.
40. 生活是由一連串小煩惱串成的念珠,心胸開闊的人是一邊笑著一邊數這串念珠的。
42. No regrets for the past, confidence in the present, and hope for the future.
43. Go forward bravely and succeed.
45. There is nothing impossible for true love.