1. Why do you like flowers?
2. Do you think flowers are important in your culture?
3. Would you like to choose flowers as gifts?
Besides decoration, the lotus can also be used as food material.
1. 除了装饰,玫瑰还可以当做食材。
Besidesdecoration, the roses can also be used as food material.
2. 除了装饰,百合花还可以当做食材。
Besides decoration, the lilies can also be used as food material.
When you want to show your love to your lover, you can choose roses.
1. 当你想要表达你对母亲的爱意的时候,你可以选择康乃馨。
When you want to show your love to your mother, you can choose carnations.
If you want to apologise, roses are one of your best choices.
1. 如果你想道歉,风信子是很好的选择。
If you want to apologise, hyacinths are one of your best choices.
Carnations which can show your love to elder people are good presents for them.
1. 百合可以表达对长辈的爱,是很好的礼物。
Lilies which can show your love to elder people are good presents for them.
The beautiful tulip is a well-known symbol of friendship.
1. 美丽的百合是众人皆知的美好友谊的象征。
The beautiful lily is a well-known symbol of friendship.
1. Why do you like flowers?
There are many benefits of flowers like roses. The roses are the necessary decorations which is dispensable for important occasions. Besides decoration, the roses can also used as food material. When you want to show your love to your lover, you can choose roses.
2. Do you think flowers are important in your culture?
Of course, there are many meanings of flowers. When you want to show your love to your mother,you can choose carnations. If you want to apologise, hyacinths are one of your best choices. The beautiful tulip is a well-known symbol of friendship.
3. Would you like to choose flowers as gifs?
Of course, when you want to show your love to your lover, you can choose roses. If you want to apologise, hyacinths are one of your best choices. The beautiful lily is a well-known symbol of friendship. Lilies which can show your love to elder people are good presents for them.