1. I do hope that you can make it to ...我真心希望你能……
2. 组织机构:南京博贸展览有限公司、上海博晋展览服务有限公司
3. To begin with, we will ... Besides, there will be a lot of activities such as...which will...首先,我们将……此外,将会有很多活动,例如……这将……
4. 住址的写法与中文相反;英文住址原则上是由小至大,如必须先写门牌号码、街路名称,再写城市、省(州)和邮政区号,最后一行则写上国家的名称。
5. 二尊敬的XXX领事馆签证处官员:您们好!本人姓名,家住XX省XX市XX家属区XX楼XX号,住宅电话是(86)xxxx-xxxx 。今特写此信邀请我的XX (邀请人与被邀请人关系)xxx(被邀请人姓 名)于X年X月X日至X年X月X日到我家探亲。我的身份证号码是XXXXXXXXXX 。我将负担其在此期间的一切开销。XXX(被邀请人姓名)的生日是X年X月X日;在xx国的住址是:XXX XXX,XXX请负责官员予以批准,特此致谢,(邀请人签名)X年X月X日中国探亲签证邀请函范文篇三敬启者:我写此信的目的是邀请我们的父母(名字、出生日期),于即将到来 的(月份)到(国家)探亲,为期6个月。我们将支付他们
6. The reception will be held in ...,on ...
7. 在结尾语下面的署名必须亲自签名,不可用打字的,而且在签名之后,也不加任何的标点符号。
8. I’m sure that you will enjoy yourself there.
9. How would you like to join us in…?
10. It’s my honor to invite you to...非常荣幸地邀请你……
11. The favor of a reply is requested
13. Will you be available during that time?Please contact me at 1234567 at your earliest convenience.
14. Would you please let me know as soon as possible if you can accept my invitation?
15. 在信封的中间或右下角偏左的地方写「收信人」的名字和住址。
16. Here are some details about this activity./The following are some details about this activity./Some details about this activity are as follows.活动的细节如下。
17. We sincerely hope you can attend it.
18. 寄信人不自称Mr.、Mrs.或Miss,但是在收信人的姓名前则必须加上尊称Mr.、Mrs.或Miss以示礼貌。
19. I’m writing to invite you to...
20. I wonder if you can come to...
21. ny further information, please feel free to con tact the un der sig ned. Thanks in adva nee for your cooperati sin cerely,(Please sig n and stamp here)(Positi on)中英文签证邀请函范文篇二in vitati on letterexecutive director,product developme nttra ining school improveme nt soluti ons bbb lear ningxxth
22. request the pleasure of
23. We are looking forward to your coming.
24. september xxxxto whom it may con cer n,dear sir/madam,we hereby officiallyinvitethe ning to visit our school in chi na,for further bus in ess discussi on and bus in ess cooperatio n.范文最新推荐delegatio n member:full n amegen der:male dob:may xx,xxxxpassport nu mber:xxxxxxx e
25. We are having/planning ...on...(date) and we feel it would be a great idea if you can join us.我们将于……(日期)举行……(活动),如果你能来参加就太好了。
26. I hope youxxxre not too busy to come.
28. This will be followed by...这之后将会有……
29. I’m Wang Ming from YuWen School,the president of the Student Union.
30. We would be very glad to invite you as an expert to our university/college to…
31. 支持/主办:中国营养协会、江苏省茶叶协会、江苏省茶叶学会
32. There will be a party in my garden on Sunday.
33. I would feel honored if you could come.如果你能来,我倍感荣幸。
34. I wonder if you can come…
35. I would appreciate it if you could accept my invitation.如果你能接受我的邀请,我会非常感激。
36. We would be looking forward to your coming.