social acceptability 社会可接受性
sociocultural environment 社会文化环境
sole ownership entry strategy 独享所有权的进入战略
source credibility 信息来源的可信度
sources of new-product ideas 新产品创意来源
speciality retailers 专营零售商
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 标准工业分类代码
standardization strategy 标准化战略
statement of job qualifications 工作要求说明
stockless purchase arrangement 无存货采购计划
straight commission compensation plan 纯佣金制薪酬方案
straight salary compensation plan 纯薪金制薪酬方案
strategic business unit (SBU) 战略经营/业务单位
strategic intent/objective 战略目标
strategic marketing program 战略营销计划
strategic pricing objectives 战略定价目标
strategic withdrawal 战略撤退
strategy constraints 战略影响因素
strategy formulation and implementation 战略制定和实施
strategy implementation 战略实施
strategy reassessment 战略重估
substitution threat 替代产品的威胁