1. Letter A—H and pronunciation of letter A – H.
2. Letter I—R ; pronunciation of letter A, E, I, O; What question.
3. Letter S – Z ; pronunciation of letter A, E.I.O,U; Review of the alphabet.
4. Present tense to be ; What question; possessive adjectives my, your; his, her.
5. Demonstratives this, that; What question; Yes/No questions and short answers; How do you spell pen? P-E-N.
6. Demonstratives this, that, these, those; Present progressive tense; How questions ; Plural nouns.
7. Where questions; Yes/No questions and short answers; Prepositions on, in, under; Subject pronoun they.
8. Ask and answer questions about ownership; Make suggestions.
9. Present tense to like; Yes/No questions and short answers; Affirmative and negative statements.
10. How much questions; Demonstratives this , that, these, those;