Greet the whole class as usual.
Step Ⅱ Lead-in and Pre-reading
T: Yesterday we learnt some quotes from some famous scientists like Albert Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison…
Look at the picture in our books.
Do you know who the person is?
Ss: The person is Stephen Hawking.
T: Yeah. Very good. He is Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest physicists of our time. Do you know what book he published in 1988?
Ss: Yes. A Brief History of Time, which is very popular.
T: OK. I think maybe you know something about Hawking. Do you want to know something more about him?
T: OK. Today we are going to learn a passage about Stephen Hawking. It will tell us Hawking’s determination, thoughts and some theories. Before we read the passage, first let's learn some new words and phrases in this unit.
(Teacher deals with the new words on Page 105 with the whole class.)
T: Now open your books and turn to Page3. Look at the questions in Pre-reading quickly and then scan the text as quickly as possible and find the answers to them.
(Teacher gives the students three minutes to scan the passage. Later, ask three students to answer the three questions.)
T: (Three minutes later.)Have you finished?
T: Wang Xi, the first question: Why did Stephen Hawking need a PhD?
S: Because he wanted to get a job.
T.. Right. The second question. When did Hawking become famous? Who'd like to have a try?
S: Let me try. Hawking became famous in the early 1970s, when he and American Roger Penrose made new discoveries about the Big Bang and black holes.
T: Good. The last question: When did Hawking visit Beijing? Any volunteer?
S: In 2002, Hawking visited China and spoke to university students in Hang zhou and Beijing.