79. 突发公共卫生事件 public health emergency
80. 启动重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应 to activate first-level public health emergency response
81. 掌握情况,不漏一人 to have full knowledge of the situation (of the community) and leave no one unchecked
82. 遏制疫情蔓延 to contain the outbreak
83. 封城 A city is on lockdown./A city goes into lockdown.
84. 延迟开学 to postpone the reopening of schools
85. 延长春节假期 to extend the Chinese New Year holiday
86. (公共场所)消毒、通风以及体温检测 disinfection, ventilation and body temperature monitoring (in public areas)
87. 应急医院 makeshift hospital
88. 火神山医院 Huoshenshan Hospital (in Wuhan)
89. 雷神山医院 Leishenshan Hospital (in Wuhan)
90. 暂停海外团队旅行 to suspend overseas group tours
91. 关闭景点 to close scenic spots
92. 取消大型集会 to cancel mass gatherings
93. 减少外出 to make fewer trips outside
94. 控制人口流动 to curb population flow
95. 两周观察期 two-week observation period
96. 停运长途汽车 to halt long-distance buses
97. 调减市内公交 to reduce the frequency of bus services in the city
98. 特殊报销政策 special reimbursement rules
100. 医疗物资紧缺 shortage of medical supplies
101. 日常基本生活物资 daily necessities
102. 跨境采购 cross-border procurement
103. 囤积食物 to stock up on food
107. 顶格处罚 the maximum penalty