对于大学英语四六级考试来说,语法非常重要。坚实的语法是英语水平进阶的充分必要条件。但现实情况是,不少人对语法学习并没有一个清晰的概念,甚至忽视语法学习。在此小编希望考生们重视起最语法的复习。今天树图网给大家盘点2020年上半年大学英语六级语法:more than,希望对您有所帮助。
He was more than a scientist, but was a poet.
More than twenty people were injured in the accident.
He was more than pleased with her performance.
The beauty of the place is more than I can describe.
They decide to do more than talk about the rise of the cheating.