例句:The path started to ascend more steeply at the hillside.
ascendant n. 优势,运星,运道,支配力adj. 上升的,优越的
例句:Though Jackson is still a young man, his political career is alreadyin the ascendant.
descend v. 下降,遗传(指财产,气质,权利)
例句:The old custom has descended to our day.
例句:I want to see the triumph of my descendants in which they finallyretrieve what theydeserve.
descent n. 降下,降落,世系,血统,侵袭。
例句:He traces his descent back to an old Greek family.
例句:How do parents pass genes on to their offspring?
例句:Harrison later became the ancestor of the Archadians.
例句:My daughter is perfect; she far transcends the others in beauty andintelligence.