3."双碳"目标carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals
5.尖端技术cutting-edge technologies
6.人民币跨境支付cross-border RMB payment
8.清洁能源走廊clean energy corridor
9.周边产品peripheral products
11.科学技术普及popularization of science and technology
12.能源绿色低碳转型green-oriented transition of energy
13.世界科技强国world leader in science and technology
19.低碳能源转型low-carbon energy transition
20.国际湿地城市international wetland cities
22.现场风险检测on-site risk detection
23.海上风电场offshore wind farm
24.中小企业small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)
25.气候适应型社会climate-resilient society
26.国之交在于民相亲Amity between people holds the key to the sound relations between states.
27.次生灾害secondary disasters
28.关键核心技术攻坚achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields
29.中日邦交正常化the normalization of China-Japan relations
30.小巨人"企业"little giant"firm
31.亚太地区Asia-Pacific region
32.湿地保护wetlands conservation