1.How many kilos of meatwouldyouliketobuy?
3.I met him while I waswalkingthroughthepark.
4.Have you heard fromyouraunt?
5.Please tell him to dosomething.
6.It took somebody sometimetodosomething.
7.If he doesn\'t come, I willgotherealone.
8.English is spoken bymoreandmorepeopleinChina.
9.He hasn’t been there. Ihaven’t,either.
10.He didn’t get home fromschooluntil6o’clock.
11.Neither Tom nor Annlikesthefood.
13.Would you mind doingsomething?
14.He was made to cleantheroomagain.
15.He was too tired towalkfarther.
16.Peter is so clever thatwealllikehim.
17.She was tall enough toreachtheapple.
18.There’ s somethingwrongwiththecomputer.
19.How time flies! Tenyearshaspassed.
20.The letter that I receivedyesterdayisveryimportant.
21.You will stay healthy ifyoudomoreexercise.
22.I will give you a call assoonasIgetthere.
23.I don\'t know when thetrainwillleave.
24.Each of them has hisownopinion.
25.How far is it from Xi’antoBaoji?
26.Why not join musicclub?
27.He told us not to speaktoeachotherinthelibrary.
28.What bad weather! It’sraining.
30.Father’s Day came onJune10ththisyear.