Readthe following excerptfrom an article and write an essay.In your essay,you should explain whether or to what extent you agree withthe author.Support your argument with reasons and relevant examples.Write your answer in 160-200 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)
Manyofuswhatever ourfield of work fear that showing uncertainty can damage our
image-andwemaycompensate byexpressing overconfidence in an attempt to win trust Butin many situations people are willing to trust those who can admit they don't have a definitiveanswerRecentstudies found that communicating uncertainty and even
admittingour mistakesis not harmful and can even be beneficial to trustworthiness.So,failurein"expertisecanbecmpensated by higher integrity and benevolence.When communicatinguncertaintyin a transparent way,we are perceived as less biased and willing to tell the truth.
Recentit often htstheheadnes ofnewspaper that an increasina number of modern people would like to expressuncertaintyto wintrustwhencommunicating with each other,which has aroused a heated discussion amongthe public.Formv point.showing uncertaintv might not be beneficial to interpersonal relationship
Undoubtedly,thepurposeofthis study isto leadus to find what is beneficial to trustworthiness.Admittedly,communicating uncertaintv andevenadmitting ourmistakes can let others trust us and will to tell the truth.Yet.a amaioritvofpeoplemiahtholdtheother sideofthispicture.Thev believe that people with trust each other as lono as you tell thetruth.A truth is always better than alie.For example,a general will lose his followers if he told them uncertaintv ofthe battleIn human's historva areat number ofsuccuessfu leaders won the trust of his people when telling them the truth of their nation's social situation.
Consideringevervaspect ofthistopicIasmost ofothers will do.safely draw a conclusion that showing certainty no matter its good news or bad one will defenitely win trust between people.Only in this way can we expect a healthier interpersonal communication
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