The tissue values of all brain regions, except cortical PD, decreased with increasing age, and the robust negative association was best explained by modified biexponential model of the form Tissue values =T1 × exp (−C1 × age) + T2 × exp (−C2 × age).
除皮质 PD 外,所有脑区的组织值均随着年龄的增长而下降,并且这种稳健的负相关性可以通过修改后的双指数模型得到最好的解释:组织值 =T1 exp (−C1 年龄) + T2 exp (− C2年龄)
cortex changed little during the maturation process
Regional differences in cortical tissue values were found to be significant
in deep gray matter and white matter, age was a good predictor of tissue values
In the cortex, age was also a relatively good predictor of tissue values, except for PD
The quality of fit to the modified biexponential model was high in white matter and deep gray matter (white matter, R2 = 97%–99% [T1], 88%–95% [T2], 88%–97% [PD]; deep gray matter, R2 = 96%–97% [T1], 96% [T2], 49%–88% [PD]; cortex,70%–83% [T1], 87%–90% [T2], 5%–27% [PD])
修改后的双指数模型的拟合质量在白质和深层灰质中较高(白质,R2 = 97%–99% [T1],88%–95% [T2],88%–97% [PD] ;深部灰质,R2 = 96%–97% [T1],96% [T2],49%–88% [PD];皮质,70%–83% [T1],87%–90% [T2] ,5%–27% [PD])
The white matter and deep gray matter changed the most dynamically within the first year of life.
T1 trajectories in each brain region for 89 subjects
T2 trajectories in each brain region for 89 subjects
PD trajectories in each brain region for 89 subjects
Significant left-right hemispheric differences in tissue value were observed in some regions