1. Garbage trash talking垃圾人说垃圾话。
3. Don't eat those, they will stunt your growth.
4. If you don't eat those, you will stunt your growth.
5. 人不能没有批评和自我批评,那样一个人就不能进步。
6. Take a hike!哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。
7. don’t xxx with me 别JB跟我整事。
9. Reflection is the way to virtue and God.
10. You’re son of bitch! xxx。
11. who the hell are you! xxx算个啥!
12. The more incompetent people are, the more they like to criticize others'mistakes.
13. Chest big idiotic胸大的脑残。
15. A normal person人模人样的畜生。
17. Only when you have suffered deeply, can you feel the pain of others, and seldom reflect on yourself.
18. 每个人都会犯错,但是,只有愚人才会执过不改。
19. Bear force not arrogant熊逼别嚣张。
20. Roll back home to play cucumber滚回狗窝玩黄瓜。
22. You are dead meat我说你完蛋了
23. Scumbag representative人渣的代表。
24. The eunuch trait you all太监的特质你全都有。
25. Don't put that in your mouth; you don't know where it's been!
26. If you don't evaluate yourself, you won't evaluate others.
27. The hardest thing is to know yourself.
28. Bitch is xxxing shame on you婊子真他妈不要脸。
29. Birdlike, not arrogant鸟样,别嚣张。
30. You are so dead!"你死定了!
31. forget about it 拉JB倒吧!
32. You have enough dirt behind those ears to grow potatoes!
33. Being uncovered is a failure, and being uncovered by oneself is a victory.
36. Mind full of feces脑子里装满粪便。
37. Get the xxxing my way!xxx给我滚!
40. No matter how you look at it, you are like a pig.不管怎么看,你都像头猪。
41. Don't laugh at other people's hunches, straighten your waist.
42. get xxx off 滚犊子,滚远点扇的。
43. what’s your xxxing problem xxx有毛病吧你!
44. Just wait till your father gets home.
45. The starting point of success is self-analysis, and the secret of success is self-reflection.
46. I hope that when you grow up, you have kids xxxJust Like youxxx! (Also known as the xxxMother's Cursexxx)
47. 反省是一面镜子,它能将我们的错误清清楚楚地照出来,使我们有改正的机会。
48. The base prize for you最贱奖非你莫属。
49. If you are afraid of you face to face, you will hate you behind your back.
50. 只有自己深深痛过,才能体会别人的痛,于是难得自我反省。
51. The ugly not fit to be seen丑的不堪入目。
52. Bastard you see all stunned王八看见你都被吓晕。
54. Stupid moron蠢到极点的窝囊废。
55. Explosion you Chrysanthemum爆你菊花。
56. I wish I had never met you. 我真后悔这辈子遇到你!
57. Reflection is a mirror that can clearly show our mistakes and give us the opportunity to correct them.
58. Simon didnxxxt you demon人妖都没你妖。
59. Fuck you the xxxing xxxer!xxx真混蛋!
61. Only the Bitch prostitution只会卖淫的贱人。
62. The typical animal禽兽里的典型。
63. 不会从失败中寻找教训的人,他们的成功之路是遥远的。
64. This is such a bitchery. 那是贱女人的行为。
65. You have a lot of nerve.脸皮真厚。
66. Life is not fair、Get used to it.