1. Do not seek military expansion
2. I seek rather, I may say, even an excuse for conforming to the laws of the land.我倒倾向于认为,我寻求的是遵守我国的法则的理由。
3. Fourth, we must seek to maintain and enhance flexibility in pursuing the results we seek.
4. court [seek] publicity
5. When we were young, our favorite game was hide-and-seek, a hide-and-seek, a hide-and-seek person who tried his best to find.
6. Brooks: design, design, and design; and seek knowledgeable criticism.
7. Of course, if you already have severe depressive symptoms, then seek help right away.当然,如果你已经有严重的抑郁症状,那么应马上寻求帮助。
8. Scientific spirit is to seek the truth, seek the truth.
9. Capital is innately driven to seek profitability.
10. seek an audience with
11. whence shall I seek comforters for thee?
12. The Germans are thus braced for Mr Obama to seek more from them.德国人则准备好让奥巴马先生从他们这儿得到更多。
13. Disposed to seek revenge; revengeful.
14. Seek mickle, and get something; seek little, and get nothing.
15. Be honest, seek truth, seek truth and seek truth.
16. Sir, I don't seek a quarrel, not being a braggart.先生,我并不想寻衅挑斗,也不是爱吹牛的人。
17. Or maybe they could seek to challenge Apple on antitrust grounds.又或者他们可以寻求反垄断的理由来挑战苹果公司。
18. Did you seek work optometry profession during the past 30 days?你在过去30天内有没有寻找视光学专业的工作?。
19. You must seek redress in the law courts for the damage to your car你的车子受到了损坏,你应当通过法律途径要求赔偿。
20. Anyone who is too short, too thin or too sickly will also have to seek alternative transport.另外那些个子不够高,太瘦或者病怏怏的人也得另选其他交通工具。
21. They seek strong sensations to dull their sense of a meaningless existence.他们追求强烈的刺激以减轻他们没有价值的存在感。
22. That said, he should seek to hire staff on the basis of merit, not nationality.也就是说,潘基文必须基于才干,而非基于国籍,来选择、雇用他的团队成员。
23. There are those among you who seek the talkative through fear of being alone.你们当中有些人因害怕独处而变得饶舌。
24. Yet for the minority, it is more important to seek pleasures than it is to seek knowledge.
26. A doctor advised her to seek remunerative employment.一个医生建议她去找有酬劳的工作。
27. We cannot seek for inspiration. The inspiration that come, like Duan Yu's Six Meridian Swords.我们不能企求于灵感。灵感说来就来,就像段誉的六脉神剑一样。
28. You've decided to take the plunge and seek an SBA-backed loan to start your own small business.你已经决定冒险,并打算向美国小企业管理局贷款创业。
29. If information sites seek to minimize interruption, interactional sites seek to maximize interruption.
30. seek a remedy for injustice
31. seek status and security
32. Rivals seek to split off dalit sub-castes.她的对手则希望能分化一部分达利人的亚种姓。
33. Cfengine makes it practical to seek an ideal state, and easy to converge to that state.cfengine使寻找理想状态变得可行,并且易于收敛到该状态。
34. Each member of OPEC would seek to maximize its own production.石油输出国组织的每个成员国都会设法将本国产量增到最大。
35. To seek credit for another's accomplishment
36. Do people seek symmetrical partners?
37. They were trying to seek shelter from the rain.
38. They also seek to improve transparency.
39. Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually.
40. What? I love! I Sue! I seek a wife!什么?说我爱!说我求婚!说我找老婆?
41. Listen to each other with an open mind and seek resolutions that you both can be happy with.敞开心扉地倾听,寻找能令双方都满意的解决方法。
42. Seek success or seek simplicity?
44. You can also seek out more seasoned mentors, Susan Spencer says.苏珊·斯宾塞认为,你也可以向经验丰富的创业导师寻求帮助。
45. seek information from various sources
46. You seek the warrior bathed in blood the headless horseman.你找寻在血中沐浴的勇士,那个无头骑士。
48. Social media is used by extremists in the Middle East and elsewhere to seek and brainwash recruits.中东和其他地区的极端分子利用社交媒体来寻找和xxx新兵。
49. Seek a challenge-skill balance寻求技巧与挑战性之间的平衡。
50. Perhaps seek to have it published online or in print.
51. Seek out ways to get ahead and begin making plans.寻找方法来获得成功并且开始制订计划。
52. take [seek] sanctuary
53. It's not easy for most people to actively seek conflict.
54. A lizard on a cushion will still seek leaves坐垫上的蜥蜴还会找树叶。
55. Most of us seek familiarity and security when under threat, whether comfort food or a cozy bed.当遇到威胁时,我们大多会去寻求熟悉和安全,无论是食物还是温床。
56. seek information from.
57. Let him seek peace and ensue it!
58. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
59. To seek or seize as prey or plunder.攫取猎取或抓住,作为战利品或食物
60. Why don't you seek shelter from the rain?
61. TITANIA I have a venturous fairy that shall seek The squirrel's hoard, and fetch thee new nuts.我有一个善于冒险的小神仙,可以给你到松鼠的仓里取些新鲜的榛栗来。
62. Does the conductor seek to rebalance the orchestra so that a certain orchestral voice is heard?指挥有没有在寻求一种新的声部平衡呢?