1. Would we try to save a ? 我们会不会试图去救一名溺水者?
2. The child was saved by a . 那个溺水的小阿被一个渔夫救了。
4. 为了你的生命安全,请不要擅自与同学结伴游泳;
5. It kills more than 175 000 a year. 溺水:每年有万多儿童溺死。
8. , the of - and in boats is an . 然而,船上妥善安装适当的个人漂浮装置是一种有效的预防溺水策略。
13. A man at a straw. 溺水的人连稻草也要抓。
14. The man for help. 溺水的人狂呼救命。
16. A pass-by dived in and saved the man. 一个过路人跳进水里救起那溺水的男子。
17. About 34 per cent of said they that if a child were , they would hear , and , but often and . 接受采访的大约34%的加拿大家长表示,他们相信如果一个孩子在附近溺水,他们将听到溅水声,哭声和尖叫声,但溺水往往出现迅速并且无声。
18. He a child last week. 他上周救活了一个溺水的儿童。
19. Males are at risk of , with twice the rate of . 男性溺水的危险特别大,溺水总死亡率为女性的两倍。
20. To the first aid and . 目的 探讨海水淹溺的救治方法。
21. The signs of dry may not occur the . 干型溺水的症状不一定会在吸入水后立即发生。
23. E. g. He his life to save the child. 他牺牲自己的性命去拯救溺水的孩子。
24. was for swim, but he that he 't swim. He in the . 牛郎拼命的游
26. are of their the house or in the pond or lake , for the of and other . 注意加强对少年儿童在游泳、嬉水、家庭中安全教育,防止溺水等意外伤害发生。
28. He was and the was an . 他是溺水而死的,这只是一场意外。
29. He saved his from . 他救起了他那溺水的朋友。
30. When I ran Ducky, I saw that the duck was down and due to the water level is too high. 当我跑橡胶杜茨基,我看到,一只鸭子倒和溺水因水位过高。
33. It feels like I'm in salty water. 泪水已令我尽陷沉溺。
34. GNOME: Water from the Oder River the at a house in , , near the with . 溺水的GNOME:从奥得河水盖房子在勃兰登堡州的一个花园里,德国与波兰边界附近的星期五。
35. 为了远离危险,请不要到地势复杂的海边、河流、池塘、水库、沙坑、不稳定边坡等危险区域游玩、嬉水。
36. 玩水诚快乐,清凉价更高。若为生命故,二者皆可抛。
40. How do you keep a from ? 怎样防止中提琴手溺水?
42. I would not the childxxx.xxx "我不愿意溺爱这个孩子"。
43. The great in the child. 战士在抢救溺水孩子时表现得很勇敢。
44. , the river to drown; life, put an end to enter the water. (清清河水,防止溺水;
45. , the of at areas also to be a to . 同样,确保游泳区配有救生员似乎也是前景看好的预防溺水战略。
46. Does it pay to ? 是否应该溺爱孩子?
49. And his last has been found – an awful fate that , , with TV of . 他的前任影子写手被发现溺水而亡,这一悲惨命运让人联想起电视上令人作呕的水刑画面。
52. The girl for help. 那个溺水的女孩子大声呼救。
54. Age is one of the major risk for . 年龄是溺水的主要危险因素之一。