1. Eternity is not a distance but a decision.
3. At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
4. 跟自己说声对不起,因为总是莫名的忧伤。wVf句子屋
5. 经不住时间的更改,留不住此间的流年。wVf句子屋
11. 这个世界上谁也伤不了谁的心,人只能伤自己的心。This world who also hurt who's heart, people can only hurt their hearts.
12. 如果我假装失忆,会被多少人趁机抛弃。wVf句子屋
16. 我最不擅长挽留,可你们偏要一个个先走。wVf句子屋
21. 我累了,你爱跟谁好就跟谁好吧。I am tired, you are good to whom you love.
24. 我很清楚,任何一个美好的承诺都有个有效期限。wVf句子屋
25. Fading is true while flowering is past.
26. 你不能再幼稚了,宠你的那个人已经走了。wVf句子屋
27. 你像风来了又走,我的心满了又空。wVf句子屋
29. 很多事情我都无能为力,比如熬夜的瘾和遥远的你。Many things I can do nothing, such as staying up late addiction and distant you.
31. 你好的坏的我都已听说,愿意深陷的人是我。wVf句子屋
32. 我喜欢的那个人不属于我,但是好歹我睡过。wVf句子屋
33. 人家根本不拿你当回事,你还多愁善感到不行。wVf句子屋
35. 也许,走得太远的代价,就是寂寞。Perhaps, go too far price, is lonely.
36. 关于爱情,最爱的是你,最恨的也是你。About love, the most love is you, the most hate is you.
38. 愿我的故事细水长流,敬你的孤独择日而终。wVf句子屋
43. Brief is life, but love is long.
50. 谁人曾照顾过我的感受,吻过我的伤口。wVf句子屋
52. When I was a child, I would cry when I was wronged、 Grow up, aggrieved, want to cry、wVf句子屋
56. 相信自己,你努力了,该得到的都会慢慢向你走来。早安!Believe in yourself, you work hard, and you will get to you slowlygood Morning!
58. 有旳人曾经是无话不说,最后却无话可说。wVf句子屋
59. 虽然伤疤还清晰可见,但是再也感觉不到疼痛了。Although the scars are still clearly visible, there is no longer any pain.
67. The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass whoshakes her head and laughs and flies away.
68. Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heartthe music of the ripples.
70. 那天下雨了,你没有看我,我没有看雨。wVf句子屋
76. 时间拎走一切,只留下空壳的回忆。Carry away all the time, leaving only empty shell memories
83. 爱上一个无缘的人,注定独自受折磨。wVf句子屋
85. 那个身影,那个微笑,明明陌生却又热切。wVf句子屋
86. 卸下伪装的盔甲,既然是那么的不堪一击。wVf句子屋
90. 你忙,忘了我需要人陪;你忙,忘了我会寂寞。wVf句子屋
92. 别问我是否爱过你,因为我的爱早已与你无关。wVf句子屋
94. 熟悉的,陌生的,都会擦肩而过。Familiar, unfamiliar, will pass.
95. 同样的街道,同样的风景,不同的人以及别样的心情。The same street, the same scenery, different people and different mood.
102. 被恨的人没有痛苦,恨人的人却遍体鳞伤。wVf句子屋
104. 对我隐身很爽迈?谢谢你的爱,我受不起。wVf句子屋
109. 说得出口的伤痛都已平复,绝口不提的才触及心底。wVf句子屋