3. Of course, humans don’t hibernate fully, but when the cold and short days of winter come around, many of us feel a physical change. 当然了,人类不会彻底地冬眠,但是当冬天那又冷又短的日子来临时,我们都会感觉到身体的变化。
6. Parentscan'tunderstandthechild'sheart.
11. Time comes to a cold winter night. 冬天,一个冰寒的晚上。
12. Moncler Short Down Coat with Fur Trimmed HoodA chic sheen and short, contoured silhouette make this down coat a winter essential. MONCLER羽绒服短外套与皮草边兜帽一个别致的光泽和短,轮廓剪影,使这一个冬天必不可少的羽绒服。
14. It was frequent in the winter. 这在冬天是时常发生的。
16. If the Groundhog understood this, winter would be a lot shorter. 如果土拨鼠明白这点,冬天将变的短暂许多。
19. In part this may be lifestyle as people with limited sunlight during winter seem to get outside for long hours during the summer which may balance the short available sunlight hours in the winter. 在冬天,那里的阳光照射时长相对较短。 但在夏天,他们可能有更多的时间走到户外,这样就平衡了冬天阳光照射的相对不足。
21. It is becoming colder and colder when winter comes. 冬天来的时候天气变得越来冷。
22. Sinceyoulive,livewell,.
24. The snow was light and noiseless as it floated down.
27. Snow is common in winter . 冬天,中岛幸惠是很常见的。
29. Ice lanterns are sculpted in winter. 冰灯在冬天雕刻。
34. The winters here are very cold and windy, this winter there was heavy snowfall which severely affected the lives of us herdsmen. There is a shortage of grass fodder for our sheep. 我们这里的冬天很冷,而且风大,加上今年冬天的几次大雪影响了牧区的正常生活,我家的几只山羊的草料也出现短缺现象。
35. I like winter, because the short day and night long, I would have more time to escape 我喜欢冬天,因为白昼短暂而黑夜漫长,这样会有更多的时间来逃避
37. Oneday,intheblinkofaneye,
38. springisalotofrain,summerishot,,itiscoolandbusy,.春天是多雨的,夏天是炎热的,秋天是一年中最好的季节,它很凉爽而且忙碌,冬天是寒冷的,有时会下雪.
41. The flakes seem to fuse together and produce ice crystals.
44. So in the north, the solstice day has the shortest length of time between sunrise and sunset and fewest hours of daylight. 所以在北半球,冬至日的白天是最短的,只有几个小时而已。
46. In the winter sheep have thick fleeces . 冬天绵羊的毛很厚。
48. Bertha loved the calm of winter. 伯莎喜爱冬天的安宁。
50. 当然因为冬至这天之后天气逐渐变冷,北方则进入天气最冷的数九天,所以可以提醒下亲朋好友天冷加衣,注意保暖。
53. It was a cold winter night. 冬天一个冰寒的晚上。
56. W,takecareofyourself.
57. The winter is coming. Days are getting shorter and shorter, while nights are getting longer and longer. 冬天来了,白天会越来越短了,夜晚会越来越长。
58. Igiveyoumybestwishes,
60. Like the sun from a wintry sky. 象寒冬天空的朝晖。
61. As Winter days become shorter and darkness sets in early, it brings to mind the importance of consuming vibrant coloured seasonal fruits and vegetables for health and well-being. 随着冬天白天变短,黑夜提前降临,它让人联想到吃色彩鲜艳的季节性水果和蔬菜对健康和幸福的重要性。
64. The sun sets early in winter. 冬天的太阳落得早。
66. The hills were salted with a light fall of snow.
69. I'm somewhat affected by this in the winter when the days are shorter. 当冬天来临白天时间变短的时候,我在某种程度上也会受到这种影响。
70. This is winter and the man behind her is wearing a short-sleeve shirt? 现在是冬天,而她背后的男人穿短袖?
71. The ways deepe, the weather sharp, the daies short, the sunn farthest off…the very dead of winter. 路很远,天气很恶略,天还短,太阳在很远处下山了,死一般沉寂的冬天。
73. What is heavier in summer than in winter? 什么工具炎天比冬天重?
74. Today is the first day of my winter camp. 今天是我们冬令营的第一天。
78. Familyaffection,friendshipandlove,
82. White fragments of clouds were drifting across the sky. 头上是冬天里明净的天空,片片白云飘过天际。
83. Don'tthis,Xinyixiang。
84. Withawillingattitude,
85. SeymourJamese,Youknowwhatp。岁末将至,平安喜乐。以上是冬至英文的文案。
86. Women'ssuffering,mencannotfeel;
93. InDecember,thiswinter,
96. Winter snow , crystal clear and elegant. 冬天的雪,飘逸且晶莹。
99. 祝你在新的一年里温暖、健康、好运。冬至快乐。
100. In winter the weather is very cold. 冬天天气很冷,在北方经常下雪。